About manager accounts in the new Search Ads 360

Just as advertising agencies typically maintain separate teams to manage marketing for different advertisers, the new Search Ads 360 organizes accounts into a hierarchy of manager accounts, sub-manager accounts, and client accounts.

Sub-manager accounts in the new Search Ads 360 are known as "advertisers" in Campaign Manager 360. Advertisers must be created in Campaign Manager 360 before sub-manager accounts can be created in the new Search Ads 360.

Agency account with two advertiser accounts.

Previous Search Ads 360 term New Search Ads 360 term
Agency Manager account
Advertiser Sub-manager account
Engine account Client account
  • A manager account in the new Search Ads 360 contains sub-manager accounts.
  • A sub-manager account in the new Search Ads 360 contains client accounts as well as its own set of users who can view reports and edit settings. Each sub-manager account can contain multiple client account types, such as Google Ads accounts, Microsoft Advertising accounts, and Baidu accounts.
  • Client accounts in the new Search Ads 360 contain your advertising campaigns.

What you can do from a manager account

Manager account users decide how to organize sub-manager accounts and grant different user access levels to sub-manager accounts. For example, a user with manager account access might create a sub-manager account for all of the campaigns that are related to a particular client account, or they might create separate sub-manager accounts for different product lines and give different users access to each of the separate sub-manager accounts.

Manager and sub-manager accounts

Manager and sub-manager accounts don't directly contain campaigns or ads. Instead, manager accounts can contain sub-manager accounts, along with a group of users and settings that apply to all sub-accounts.

Currently, you can do the following from a manager or sub-manager account in the new Search Ads 360:

  • Search and navigate all accounts within the manager account.
  • Compare performance across accounts and run reports for multiple accounts at once.
  • Create and manage campaigns in client accounts.
  • Create and manage templates (currently only available for sub-manager accounts).
  • Add sub-manager accounts (manager accounts only).

As features are added to the new Search Ads 360, you will be able to do the following from a manager account or sub-manager account:

  • Create users and manage user permissions.

Permissions and owner accounts determine the accounts and management data you can see

Users in the new Search Ads 360 with agency-level permissions in the previous Search Ads 360 can navigate to and report on all client accounts under the manager account. These users can also create labels and other management data that can be applied to all accounts in the manager account.

Users in the new Search Ads 360 with advertiser-level permissions in the previous Search Ads 360 can only navigate to and report on client accounts in specific sub-manager accounts. These users can also create labels and other management data that can be applied to all accounts in specific sub-manager accounts. That is, users can access only the sub-manager accounts that correlate with the advertiser accounts that they can access in the previous Search Ads 360.

In the new Search Ads 360, a manager account or a sub-manager account can own such items as labels and other management data. Learn more about owner accounts in the new Search Ads 360.

Labels and other management data that a manager account owns in the new Search Ads 360 can be accessed only by users with permissions in the new Search Ads 360. These labels and data aren't visible in Google Ads or Microsoft Advertising.

Check the What’s available tab in the Experience hub to stay up to date on your available features, including bidding.

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