Welcome to the new Search Ads 360

Keep up to date with the Experience hub

The Experience hub is your go-to for updates as you transition to the new Search Ads 360. Here, you'll see two tabs:

  • Tasks: Actions you can take to migrate your data to the new Search Ads 360 or learn more about the transition.
  • Feature status: Current feature availability for your sub-manager (advertiser) account in the new Search Ads 360.

To view the Experience hub:

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. On the page menu, click Experience hub.

The Experience hub is updated regularly, so check it often to see the latest statuses and any actions you can take to help make your migration to the new Search Ads 360 a smooth one.


Find out what you need to do for your migration.

Bid strategies and budget management upgrade

When your bid strategies and budget management are ready for upgrade to the new Search Ads 360, you'll see a recommended date for the upgrade. You can reschedule this date in the Experience hub, but keep in mind the timeline for when the previous Search Ads 360 is going away.

Once the upgrade is complete, this section will no longer appear in the Experience hub.

Onboarding checklist

The checklist is divided into two tabs:

  • To-Do: Tasks that need your attention.
  • Completed: Successfully completed migration tasks.

The onboarding checklist displays the date when it was last updated. If you've completed tasks since the last update, the checklist may not yet reflect your actions.

Tasks may include the following:

For features that you can continue to use in both the previous and the new Search Ads 360, you'll be able to sync your data on this page.

What's new?

Check here for the latest product announcements.

Feature status

See the current availability of features in the new Search Ads 360 and learn where to find them.

Frequently asked questions

Orient yourself in the new Search Ads 360 with these answers to common questions.

Engine features

Find which features are supported for each engine.

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