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About Google Analytics 4 conversions in Search Ads 360 bid strategies

Universal Analytics properties will stop processing data on 1 July 2023 (1 July 2024 for Analytics 360 properties). If you haven't already, start using a Google Analytics 4 property

If you’ve been using Universal Analytics goals or transactions (e-commerce) to track conversions on your site, it’s time to upgrade to Google Analytics 4 and the new Search Ads 360. You can migrate your Universal Analytics goals to Google Analytics 4 with the goals migration tool.

Google Analytics 4 goals and transactions are now events in the new Search Ads 360 (Universal Analytics are migrated; Google Analytics 4 must be imported). There is no differentiation between conversions and events; every conversion is measured as an event.

The following instructions explain how you can import and use Google Analytics 4 conversion data in Search Ads 360, particularly if you want to use Search Ads 360 bid strategies with Google Ads auction-time bidding.

To use Google Analytics conversion data in your Search Ads 360 bid strategies, follow these steps:

  1. Link Google Analytics 4 and the new Search Ads 360.
  2. Import Google Analytics 4 conversion data.
  3. Select conversion goal and action optimisation.
  4. Add conversion goals to a campaign.
  5. Use Google Analytics 4 conversions with Search Ads 360 bid strategies.

Link to Google Analytics 4 and the new Search Ads 360

Before you can import conversions from Google Analytics, you need to set up a link between Search Ads 360 and Google Analytics. Use one of the following options:

Learn more about best practices for using Google Analytics 4 data in the new Search Ads 360.

Import Google Analytics 4 conversion data

If you plan to import all conversion data from your Google Analytics 4 account, use the following steps to create a conversion action and select the Analytics properties.

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 account.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager or client account.
  3. On the toolbar, click the tools and settings icon ''.
  4. Under 'Measurement', click Conversions.
  5. Click the New conversion action button to import your Google Analytics 4 conversion actions.
  6. Click Import and select Google Analytics 4 properties as the conversion source.
  7. Select Web and click Continue.
  8. Select the Analytics events that you want to import and then click Import and continue.

The next page will confirm the conversion data you have imported.

Your imported conversion actions are listed on the conversions summary page by event category, such as 'Purchase' and 'Add to basket'. Learn more about the conversions summary page in 'Manage and edit conversion goals from the conversions summary'.

The import feature is available at the sub-manager account level, not the manager account level.

Select conversion goal and action optimisation

Assign a conversion goal and action optimisation level to each imported Google Analytics 4 conversion action. Learn more about conversion goals and primary and secondary conversion actions.

  1. From the conversions summary page, click the name of a newly imported conversion action. You will see the conversion action settings, which include the source of the conversions. For example, Google Analytics 4 (GA4 – SA360).
  2. Click Edit settings in the lower right-hand corner.
  3. Expand the Conversion goal and action optimisation section and then do the following:
    1. Conversion goal. Assign the Google Analytics 4 conversion action to a conversion goal in one of the following categories:
      • Sales categories
      • Leads categories
      • More categories
    2. Action optimisation level. Choose one of the following:
      • Primary action (default): Bid strategies use primary actions for optimisation. Results will be reported in the 'Conversions' column across all your campaigns that use the account-default goal setting.
      • Secondary action: This action optimisation should only be used if you don’t want bid strategies to use the conversions for optimisation. Results will be reported in the 'All conversions' column.
  4. Click Save and continue.
  5. Repeat the previous steps for every conversion action that you imported from Google Analytics 4.

Add conversion goals to a campaign

You can select the new conversion goals in campaign settings.

  1. Navigate to a sub-manager or client account.
  2. From the page menu on the left, click Campaigns. The available campaigns for this account are listed next to the page menu.
  3. Select the campaign you want.
  4. Click Settings from the page menu to display the campaign settings.
  5. Expand the 'Conversion goals' card. Your new conversion goal should be in this list if you followed the instructions in this article.
  6. Select one of the following options that includes the Google Analytics 4 conversion action:
    • Use account-default goal settings to use all the conversion goals listed and available to your client account.
    • Use campaign-specific goals to display the list of conversion goals selected for your campaign. Click Edit goals to add or remove conversion goals.
  7. Click Save.
Wait 3 weeks to apply a bid strategy to a campaign that reports recently imported GA4 conversions. Learn more in 'Best practices for using Google Analytics 4 data in the new Search Ads 360'.

Use Google Analytics 4 conversions with Search Ads 360 bid strategies

Follow these instructions to use your Google Analytics 4 conversion goals in Search Ads 360 bid strategies with Google Ads auction-time bidding:

Portfolio bid strategies (in portfolio bid strategy settings):

  1. Follow the instructions to create a Search Ads 360 portfolio bid strategy.
  2. On the Settings page, select Use Google Ads auction-time bidding.

Budget bid strategies (in performance settings):

  1. Follow the instructions to create a budget bid strategy.
  2. In the 'Performance settings' section, select Optimise performance automatically with a budget bid strategy.
  3. Select Use Google Ads auction-time bidding.

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