You can adjust how your phone uses data by changing your mobile network settings.
Depending on your carrier and service plan, your phone may connect automatically to your carrier’s fastest available data network. Or you may need to add a SIM or pick settings for a specific carrier.
Pixel 4a (5G) and later phones work with 5G service.
Important: Some of these steps work only on Android 11 and up. Learn how to check your Android version.
Change mobile network settings
- Open your phone's Settings app.
- Tap Network & internet
- Tap a setting.
Tip: To reset all your network settings, in your phone’s Settings app, tap System Reset options
Reset Mobile Network Settings.
Fix mobile network connection problems
Connection speed and strength can vary. Factors include your network type, its traffic, and your distance from its antennas.
If you’re in your network’s coverage area, but your connection is bad or you can’t connect, try these steps: