Gender [gender]

Specify the gender your product is designed for using the gender [gender] attribute. When you provide this information, potential customers can accurately filter products by gender to help narrow their search. Keep in mind that we use the gender information together with the values you provide for the size [size] and age group [age_group] attributes to standardize the sizes that are shown to users.

An illustration showing shopping online and filtering clothing options by gender

In this article

When to use

Required Required for free listings for all Apparel & Accessories (ID 166) products.

Required Required for Shopping ads for all Apparel & Accessories (ID 166) products when targeting these countries:

  • Brazil
  • France
  • Germany
  • Japan
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

Optional Optional for products in the following Apparel & Accessories sub-categories:

  • Pinback Buttons (ID 4179)
  • Tie Clips (ID 180)
  • Wristbands (ID 1893)
  • Shoe Covers (ID 5385)
  • Shoelaces (ID 1856)
  • Spurs (ID 2427)
  • Watch Bands (ID 5123)
  • Keychains (ID 175)
  • Wallet Chains (ID 5841)
  • Lanyards (ID 6277)
  • Checkbook Covers (ID 6460)
  • Badge & Pass Holders (ID 6170)
  • Watch Winders (ID 6870)
  • Watch Stickers & Decals (ID 7471)
  • Handkerchiefs (ID 5207)
  • Decorative Fans (ID 5114)

If your product varies by gender, submit the gender [gender] attribute. Use this attribute when your product is a variant that is distinguished by its gender (for example, "mens black tennis shoes" and "womens black tennis shoes"), and also submit each variant with the same value for the item group ID [item_group_id]attribute.

These are the supported values for this attribute:

  • Male [male]
  • Female [female]
  • Unisex [unisex]

(Note that this value must be submitted in English)


Follow these formatting guidelines to make sure Google understands the data you're submitting. Learn when and how to submit your product data in English

Supported values
  • male
  • female
  • unisex

Note these values must be submitted in English

Repeated field No property
(What’s this?)
Product.audience.suggestedGender, Type: Text
File format Example entry
Text male
XML feeds <g:gender>male</g:gender>


To format your data for Content API, see the Content API for Shopping resource.

Note: To ensure that this product data attribute gets recognized by our system correctly, remember to submit your data source file in a format that we support.

Minimum requirements

There are no minimum requirements for this attribute. Keep in mind that you still need to follow the formatting guidelines or the information you submit can't be used.



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