Taotletud leht pole praegu teie keeles saadaval. Saate lehe allosas valida teise keele või kohe tõlkida mis tahes veebilehe oma valitud keelde, kasutades Google Chrome'i sisseehitatud tõlkefunktsiooni.

Editorial guidelines for point program (Japan only)

This article outlines the editorial guidelines for point programs in Merchant Center. Make sure that you follow these guidelines while activating a point program.

Note: All English alphabets you use in your point program must be in half-width characters when you add the details in Merchant Center.

On this page

Editorial guidelines

Guidelines for program details

Program logo

  • At least 144 x 144 pixels
  • No image larger than 72 megapixels
  • No image file larger than 20MB
  • The image width-to-height ratio must be 1:1
  • Png, SVG, or WEBP

Program name

  • You can enter your program name in Japanese or English.
    • It shouldn’t exceed 25 characters.
  • The name you use in Merchant Center should match the name of your program on your website.
  • Use correct grammar and spelling.
  • Use proper spacing (English alphabet only).
  • Use appropriate punctuation and symbols.
  • Use proper capitalization (English alphabet only).
  • Don’t use offensive language.
Note: You can use the trademark symbol (™) in your program name.

Program label

  • Your program label shouldn’t exceed 25 characters.
  • Don’t use spaces “ “.
  • Use an underscore “_” to separate 2 words.

Program description

  • Your program label shouldn’t exceed 90 characters.
  • Highlight the most attractive perk that applies to all members of your point program.
  • Use correct grammar and spelling.
  • Use proper spacing (English alphabet only).
  • Use appropriate punctuation and symbols.
  • Use proper capitalization (English alphabet only).
  • Don’t use offensive language.
  • Don’t use “:” and “;”.
  • Use a full-width tilde “~” to indicate a range of value.

Landing page

  • Your landing page must display all the details of your point program.
  • You can include URL parameters to track traffic.
  • Make sure your landing page is live.
  • Use a landing page, not a file or email.
  • Use the same domain as mentioned in your Merchant Center account.

Number of membership ranks

The number of membership ranks (at least one) submitted in Merchant Center should match the number of membership ranks on your website.

Guidelines for membership ranks

Membership rank name

  • Membership rank names shouldn’t exceed 25 characters.
  • The membership rank name you add on Merchant Center should match the name on your website.
  • Use correct grammar and spelling.
  • Use proper spacing (English alphabet only).
  • Use appropriate punctuation and symbols.
  • Use proper capitalization (English alphabet only).
  • Don’t use offensive language.

Membership rank label (used to build product feed and create a special shipping service)

  • Level label shouldn’t exceed 25 characters.
  • Use correct grammar and spelling.
  • Don’t use spaces “ “.
  • Use an underscore “_” to separate 2 words.
  • Use appropriate punctuation and symbols.
  • Use proper capitalization.
  • Don’t use offensive language.

Membership rank benefits

  • The benefits you add for each membership rank in Merchant Center should match the information on your website. Adding at least one benefit is required.

Third-party point program affiliates and payment methods

  • The third-party point program affiliates and payment methods you selected in Merchant Center should match the information on your website.

Approval process

After you submit details on the point program and its benefits, Google reviews them to check if they follow editorial requirements.

The submission goes through the following sequence of events:

Action Status in Merchant Center

Initiation of “Getting started”

Get started

“Submit for review”

Under Review

Rejected by reviewers


Approved by reviewers


Google takes up to 72 hours to review your point program, its associated ranks, and associated benefits before surfacing them across Google properties.

  • You’ll receive an email if the submission doesn't meet our editorial guidelines. Review the email and our editorial requirements, then edit and resubmit the details.
  • You can also use sub-attribute loyalty points [loyalty_points] of point program [loyalty_program] to configure loyalty points if the product doesn’t offer points that match the default earning ratio set in Merchant Center. Any products with point values submitted via your feed will override the default point earning ratio value set in Merchant Center.

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