About conversion annotations

Shoppers trust their peers—that's why seeing how others have interacted with your store can boost excitement and build confidence. Google calls this a customer history signal, and Google uses visual annotations to highlight it within the shopping experience on surfaces including Search and the Shopping tab.

For example, Google may use your conversion data to power annotations like 'best selling' or '1K shopped here recently'. These annotations provide valuable social proof to shoppers. You have the option to opt-out of annotations that display specific numbers within Merchant Center.

Please note that sharing your conversion data allows Google to be more creative and innovative to help you stand out. Google is always exploring new, safe, and trustworthy ways to leverage this information to benefit your business.

This article provides guidance on enabling conversion annotations, outlining their benefits and requirements.

In this article

Benefits of conversion annotations

  • Enhance shopper experience: Enabling conversion annotations allows Google to showcase your aggregated historical conversions to ensure shoppers have access to high-quality products, leading to a more exciting and satisfying shopping experience.
  • Enhanced Social Proof: Seeing positive customer interactions builds trust and social proof, encouraging shoppers to choose your store over competitors.

How conversion annotations work

Google uses your product’s aggregated conversion history to present conversion annotations to shoppers as they browse your product.


For your product to be shown with conversion annotations, you need to meet these requirements:

  • Ensure you’ve set up conversion tracking within your merchant center account.
Note: Conversion tracking can be enabled at the Merchant Center account level by an admin. It won't be enabled by default. Learn how to Set up conversion tracking.
  • With annotations turned on, you allow Google to showcase your store's popularity with features that may include specific numbers. For example, "1K+ shopped.”

How conversion annotations show

Your product will be displayed with an annotation that highlights the product’s conversion performance.

Note: Conversion annotation is a beta feature and is still being tested. Beta features may not be eligible to show on Google, can change at any time, and may never be fully launched.


If you have received more than 100 conversions in the past 30 days, an annotation “100+ shopped in the past 30 days” could be displayed along with your product.

This image is an example of an ad with a green women's sweatshirt and a conversion annotation stating "100+ shopped in past month".

Steps to enable conversion annotations

  1. In your Merchant Center account, click on the Settings and tools icon Tools and setting menu icon [Gear].
  2. Select Conversion settings.
  3. Once you have conversion tracking set up, click the second toggle to ON to opt in to annotations.

Steps to disable conversion annotations

  1. In your Merchant Center account, click on the Settings and tools icon Tools and setting menu icon [Gear].
  2. Select Conversion settings.
  3. Click the second toggle to OFF to opt out.
    • A pop-up window will appear. Simply click on "Turn off" to proceed.
Note: If you opt out, Google will still utilize your aggregated conversion data to enhance various annotations and features that improve your performance (for example, 'best selling') but will no longer display to consumers exact conversion figures.

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