About store pages

Store pages are Shopping surfaces that allow businesses to express more information regarding their brand, mission, and identity. Google also pulls in data regarding your shopping experience, including customer reviews, to give customers an accurate representation of your business. The store pages may also include a short description of your business, your company logo, a link to your homepage, contact info, identity of your business, trending products, and shopping video reviews.

This is the location where the merchant voice has the opportunity to meet the voice of the shopper. By differentiating your brand, you can connect with shoppers who resonate with your brand values.

The areas highlighted in the store pages are outlined below:

Business identity attributes

You can tell shoppers about the identity of your business with one or more identity attributes:

  • Black-owned
  • Latino-owned
  • Veteran-owned
  • Women-owned
  • Small business

Shoppers can find your business identity attributes below your store’s description in the “Overview” tab.

Self-identification is optional, and is currently only available to retailers based in the United States. Learn more about adding business identity attributes to Merchant Center.

Videos from this business

The videos from this business panel shows a carousel of videos taken from your business’ official social media profiles across the web. This panel allows you to visually introduce your store and your products to your customers directly from your store page.

Each video shows the following:

  • Video title
  • Video image
  • Video length
  • Video platform (for example, YouTube, TikTok, and others)
  • Time since the video has been posted

Trending products list

When customers land on your store page from product searches, a trending products list can quickly introduce your brand. This list shows the top 5 products from your store, with up to 10 products available, providing a quick overview of your products. Clicking on a product takes customers directly to its dedicated page on your website.

Each trending product has the following parts:

  • Product image
  • Product name
  • Product price

Store Insights Panel

Store Insights Panel offers a way for you to display the overall shopping experience of your store in a concise manner on Search, Maps, and other Google surfaces. You can also add the Store Insights Panel on your website.

Displaying the quality of the shopping experience you provide helps customers set the right expectations and provides them with the key information that helps them in deciding whether to proceed with the purchase.

The Store Insights Panel sources data from the Shopping experience scorecard in your Merchant Center. Based on your performance in each of the metrics measured by the Shopping experience scorecard, the Store Insights Panel will display a ranking to communicate the level of shopper experience you provide.

For example, your Shopping experience scorecard in Merchant Center may reflect a score of 9/10 for your Shipping Experience and a score of 6/10 for your Return Experience. These numerical scores are then converted to customer-facing rankings in the Store Insights Panel.

An illustration of the Store Ratings Store Insights panel.

Example of how the Store Insights Panel appears on Google surfaces

The rankings displayed are:

  • Exceptional
  • Great
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Low
Note: The conversion of numerical scores in the Shopping experience scorecard to rankings displayed in the Store Insights Panel is based on relative performance to other merchants. A certain numerical value in the Shopping experience scorecard is not a guarantee you’ll receive a certain ranking in the Store Insights Panel.

Store Insights - Measured signals

The signals measured and displayed in the Store Insights Panel are:

  • Shipping
  • Returns
  • Pricing
  • Payment options
  • Website quality

To learn more about how these signals are measured, how you can improve performance in these signals, or why you have received a certain ranking - refer to the Shopping experience scorecard.

Reviews of popular products

The reviews of popular products panel shows publicly available video reviews of the top selling products in your store. It displays a carousel of video reviews by various customers integrated from video sharing platforms across the web.

Showing authentic and visual video reviews help you build trust with your customers and helps them make more informed buying decisions.

Each video review of popular products include the following:

  • Video title
  • Video image
  • Video length
  • Content creator information
  • Video platform (for example, YouTube, TikTok, and others)
  • Time since video has been posted

Store ratings

Store pages also include your store rating and customer reviews. Learn more about store ratings.

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