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Release notes (2017)

December 13, 2017

Product updates

Community connector's now let developers more fully define the connector schema, including:

  • field semantic type
  • field aggregation type
  • calculated fields
  • field groupings

December 7, 2017

Product updates

We've made 2 improvements to BigQuery data sources:

  • You can now enable or disable automatic date detection in date-partitioned tables.
  • You can now override the default Billing Project ID and Project ID in custom queries.

Documentation and help updates

You can now access 2 embedded example reports that show the HYPERLINK function in action.

November 29, 2017

Product updates

You can now display clickable images in tables. To do this, provide an Image field as the 2nd parameter of the HYPERLINK function.

November 16, 2017

Product updates

  • You can now display images in tables using the new IMAGE function. For example, you can use this to display YouTube video thumbnails or product images in your reports.
  • You can now use custom queries in all our database connectors.
  • The data control now supports Attribution 360 (TV Attribution) and DFP (DoubleClick for Publishers) data sets.
  • Pivot tables can now display metrics as bars and heatmaps.

November 1, 2017

Product updates

You can now set a default value for single-select style filter controls. Enter the default value exactly as it appears in your data, including case, punctuation, or special characters.

October 26, 2017

Product updates

  • You can now create pivot tables in Data Studio.
  • You can now show Google Analytics sampling rates used in your Analytics-based charts.
  • Field editing in reports now lets you change data types and date formats within a report. You can also apply 3 analytical functions to metrics in your charts:
    • Percent of Total
    • Difference from Total
    • Percent Difference from Total

October 11, 2017

Product updates

You can now remove community connectors. Removing an installed community connector will revoke authorization to both the connector and underlying system. Learn more about community connectors.

We've improved performance while editing reports with a large number of components.

We've updated the Welcome to Data Studio! (Start Here) report to include new features.

October 5, 2017

Product updates

  • You can now choose how to color the dimension data in your reports:
    • Color by order colors the data according to its position in the chart. E.g., the first series is always blue.
    • Color by dimension value lets you define the colors to use for each value in your charts. E.g., "France" is always represented in blue. Coloring by dimension values ensures that your data uses color consistently, regardless of the position of that data in the chart. This is now the default behavior for new reports.
  • We've added an Embed URL option for embedding reports. This makes it even easier to embed a report into the new Google Sites. Learn more.

September 28, 2017

Product updates

  • Data sources now have a Field editing in reports option. When this option is enabled, you can change field names and aggregations within the reports that use that data source. This makes it easier to customize your reports without having to change the data source. Learn more.
  • We've made a number of improvements to embedding Data Studio reports:
    • You can now easily embed a Data Studio report in the new Google Sites.
      • Just copy and paste the URL portion of the generated iframe code (the portion between the quotes in the href="..." property) into the Google Sites Embed widget.
    • We've added an embedding shortcut button to the report header The Embed button
      • In edit mode, click this button to enable embedding
      • In view mode, click this button to display the HTML iframe code you can use to embed an enabled report. (Previously, you could only generate this code by editing the report.)
  • We've added a full screen mode button to the report header The Enter Full Screen button
  • You now have 3 options for controlling the report header:
    • Always show—the report header is always visible
    • Auto hide—the report header appears briefly, then is hidden. Hover your mouse over the header area to redisplay it
    • Initially hide—the report header is hidden until you hover your mouse over the header area

September 6, 2017

Product updates

  • You can now build your own connectors, allowing you to use Data Studio to display virtually any kind of data to which you have access.
  • You can now share your reports more widely by embedding public or private reports in websites, blogs, and other web properties that support the iframe HTML tag.
  • The data control now supports AdWords, Search Console, YouTube, and DoubleClick Campaign Manager data sets, making it easier to create reports that are used across multiple accounts and/or data sources.
  • You can now create data sources based on CSV data stored in Google Cloud Storage folders and files.
  • You can now configure tables to automatically display metric totals. To do this, check the "Show summary row" option in the DATA tab of the table properties panel.
  • You can now export data from charts directly to Google Sheets.

August 24, 2017

Product updates

  • Data Studio is now available in Russia. Добро пожаловать в Data Studio!

July 19, 2017

Product updates

  • You can now wrap long text in table cells:
    • Edit your report
    • Select the table
    • Select the STYLE tab
    • Check the Wrap text option in the Table Body section.

Learn more about using tables.

July 14, 2017

Product updates

  • We've launched the data control:
    • The data control gives viewers a way to select the Google Analytics data they want to see in a report.
    • This makes it easy for you to share reports based on Google Analytics with viewers who want to use that report with their own Analytics data.
    • Using a data control eliminates the need to create separate reports and data sources for your various Google Analytics views.
  • Tables can now contain just dimensions or metrics. You no longer are required to have at least one dimension and one metric.
  • We've improved the Google Cloud SQL connector:
    • Faster data connection
    • SSL support
    • You can now connect via a CloudSQL instance name (no longer requires you to allow specific IP addresses).
  • We've improved the report editor:
    • All new charts and controls appear with a uniform size and style when you initially place them on the canvas. To see this, select a component from the toolbar or Insert menu. Then click the canvas to place the component. As always, you can resize the chart to any size.
      • You can still use the "click and draw" method to create new charts of any size.
    • All new controls appear with a drop shadow, to help distinguish them from text and charts. You can turn the shadow off by editing the selected control's STYLE properties.

June 22, 2017

Product updates

June 16, 2017

Product updates

  • You can now copy a data source!
  • Filter controls now support single select and search.
  • You can now add a bubble size dimension to a scatter chart to have it display as a bubble chart.
  • Bug fix: MCC sub-accounts now appear as expected even if the user's email is authorized to view, but is not the owner of, the AdWords account.
  • Bug fix: The "Last 7 days including today" date range now correctly includes all of today's data.

June 2, 2017

Product updates

  • You can now view and create feature requests using our new public issue reporting form. Learn more.
  • Report owners can now disable the option to export data from charts using the sharing dialog's Advanced options. Learn more.

Documentation updates

Learn more about measuring report usage with Google Analytics.

May 19, 2017

Product updates

  • Add your Google Analytics measurement ID in the report settings panel to measure traffic to your reports.
  • You can now export data from your charts to CSV.
  • Combo charts let you plot any kind of data using lines, bars, or both.
  • The MySQL connector now supports secure connections via SSL.
  • The new secondary sort option in area charts, bar charts, time series, and the new combo chart lets you sort on the breakdown dimensions in those charts.

April 27, 2017

Product updates

  • Reports can now be viewed by anyone: no Google sign-in required. To take advantage of this feature, be sure to use "Owner's Credentials" for your data source access. Learn more about sharing reports via URL.

    In order to support non-signed in viewing, the report URL format has changed slightly. If your reports contained links to specific pages, you will need to update them to the new format. Specifically, if the link previously started with # or open, make sure it now begins with org//reporting. For example, the following link refers to page 2 of the "Warm Welcome" report:

  • Scorecards now have "Missing Data" option which allows you to choose to display either "No data" or "0" when there is no data to display.

April 20, 2017

Product updates

  • You can now decide whether to include or exclude hidden columns and filtered rows from Sheets data sources. Learn more.
  • Bars in tables now correctly show the relative scale for the entire data set. Preciously, this scale was set on a page by page basis.

April 13, 2017

Product updates

April 6, 2017

Product updates

Global availability update

Data Studio is now available in Poland. Witamy!

New table features

We've added 3 new features to tables in reports:

  • You can now specify a secondary sort column as part of the table's DATA settings.
  • You can now set a target reference line for bar graph columns in a table. This is similar to the target feature of bullet charts.
  • You can now display an X-axis for bar graph columns in a table.

Learn more about tables.

Metrics in CASE statements

You can now use metrics in CASE statements. Learn more about CASE.

New features link

We've added new features link from the Data Studio home page to this Help Center article, making it easier to keep up to date with new features. Look for it in the left hand navigation panel.

Documentation updates

Reorganized the data sources and connectors topics to make browsing easier.

March 30, 2017

Product updates

Enhanced layout options

The following new report options give you more control over page layout and screen size:

  • Header visibility—make the report header always visible or auto-hide it
  • Navigation position—display report page navigation at the top or on the left
  • Display mode—fit the report to the width of the browser window, or display as actual size
  • Has margin—show or hide the report margin
  • Canvas Size—select from a number of preset canvas sizes or enter custom display dimensions.

Learn more about report layout options.

New fields available in the DCM connector:

  • % Visible at Start
  • % Visible at First Quartile
  • % Visible at Midpoint
  • % Visible at Third Quartile
  • % Visible at Completion
  • % Audible and Visible at Start
  • % Audible and Visible at First Quartile
  • % Audible and Visible at Midpoint
  • % Audible and Visible at Third Quartile
  • % Audible and Visible at Completion
  • Impressions Audible and Visible at Completion

Faster report performance

We've improved report caching for faster performance in both edit and view modes.

March 23, 2017

Product updates

Chart switching

Explore your data in edit mode by switching between chart types. For example, you can define a table with the dimensions and metrics you want, apply a filter, ensure the data looks right, then switch to a bar chart, preserving your configuration.

Learn more about chart switching.

Improved file upload column names

Field names in upload files can now contain spaces and special characters. (Commas in field names must still be quoted.)

Increased DCM advertiser support

The DoubleClick Campaign Manager connector now supports the full list of advertisers.

March 17, 2017

Product updates

The DoubleClick Campaign Manager (DCM) connector now supports the following new fields:

  • Booked Activities
  • Booked Clicks
  • Booked Viewable Impressions

The AdWords connector now supports the Ad Group Type field.

We've added a new function:

  • POWER - Returns result of raising a value X to the power Y. X and Y can be metrics, dimensions, or constant values, but you can't mix dimensions and metrics in the same formula.

We've added 10 new fonts:

  • Bubblegum Sans
  • Boogaloo
  • Coming soon
  • Cormorant Unicase
  • Eater
  • Great Vibes
  • Oleo Script
  • Permanent Marker
  • Raleyway​
  • Reenie Beanie

March 7, 2017

Product updates

Data Studio is now available in over 180 countries. See the list of unsupported countries.

We've added a file upload connector type, allowing you to upload up to 2GB of CSV data. Learn more.

March 2, 2017

Product updates

You can now create more sophisticated filters, with conditional logic, metric filtering, and additional filter operators. It's also easier to reuse filters on multiple charts. Learn more.

You can now apply Google Analytics segments to your charts. Learn more.

We've improved added data source management. Learn more.

The DoubleClick Campaign Manager (DCM) connector now supports the following new fields:

  • Dimensions:
    • Placement Pixel Size
    • Advertiser Group
    • App
    • App ID
    • Environment
    • DBM Site
    • DBM Site ID
  • Metrics:
    • Cost Per Click
    • Booked Impressions
    • Planned Media Cost
    • Effective CPM
    • Cross-device metrics
    • Click-through Revenue
    • View-through Revenue
    • Total Revenue

The YouTube connector now supports the Average Percentage Viewed metric.

Documentation updates

February 16, 2017

Product updates

  • The DoubleClick Campaign Manager (DCM) connector now supports the following DoubleClick Bid Manager-related fields:
    • DBM Advertiser
    • DBM Advertiser ID
    • DBM Insertion Order
    • DBM Insertion Order ID
    • DBM Line Item
    • DBM Line Item ID
    • DBM Partner
    • DBM Partner ID
  • The BigQuery connector now supports date partitioned tables.
  • You can now set metric decimal precision in tables.
  • Refreshing a data source will now detect field name changes in your data set.
  • The AdWords connector now includes Campaign ID and Keyword Quality Score fields.
  • The size limit for calculated fields has been increased to 2048 characters.

Documentation & Help updates

Translated versions of these release notes will now be available approximately 1 week after the English version.

February 9, 2017

Product updates

  • You can now create AdWords data sources using up to 75 accounts in a Manager (MCC) account. See the blog post or learn more.
  • You can now create data sources based on Google Search Console. Learn more.
  • We've improved report loading times by using magic.

Documentation & Help updates

Video tutorials now have captions in the 10 supported Help Center languages.

February 2, 2017

Product updates

  • We've removed the 5-report limit: you can now create as many reports and data sources as you need in the free version of Data Studio.

January 26, 2017

Product updates

  • You can now create data sources that connect to PostgreSQL. Learn more.
  • You can now see rolling weekly date windows that start on Monday. (Previously, the weekly window always started on Sunday.) Learn more.
  • You can now use the Median and Percentile functions in BigQuery data sources.

January 3, 2017

Product updates

The YouTube connector now includes the video title. Refresh the fields of existing YouTube data sources to add the video title.

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