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Refundable rates policy

Rates shown on Google also surface information regarding each partner’s cancellation policy directly to users. Provide Google with as much detail as possible, including the deadline for cancellation and applicable property and itinerary information.

How to provide refundability pricing data

There are 3 options for providing refundability pricing data.

Note: If your cancellation policy doesn't provide a full refund to users (including taxes and fees), connect with your account manager to determine alternative or new options that can be provided by Google.

Verification requirements

Make sure your rates meet the following requirements to be considered refundable:

  • You are providing a full refund to the original payment method (including all applicable taxes and fees).
  • Your landing page clearly indicates the rate is refundable.
  • In the checkout process, provide policy details, including cancelation deadline.
  • Your cancelation deadline matches the one provided by Google.
  • “Free cancellation until <date/time>” must indicate the latest date and time, in the local time of the hotel, that a full refund request will be honored.

If your refund policies ever change, you need to either immediately notify Google to modify any global refundable rate policies or (if applicable) directly update your transaction messages and/or callouts. Google will continuously run validation checks on landing pages to ensure the accuracy of the refund. If these requirements aren’t followed, price accuracy scores will be impacted and your ads and free booking links may be turned off.

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