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Vacation rentals: Starter guide overview

Before getting started, learn more about vacation rentals on Google and how we classify lodging inventory types.

Note: If you fall into the hotels category, follow our Hotels starter guide instead.

You can list vacation rentals on Google if you are:

  • A registered property management business with a direct booking website
  • Already listed on a booking site that's integrated with vacation rentals on Google

Shared rooms, partial houses, and peer-to-peer rentals aren’t currently eligible for integration.

Get started

To get started, read the descriptions below and pick the right path for your needs.

Connectivity partners provide software and tools to help property managers distribute the inventory they manage to various digital channels and enable users to book properties directly through the property manager’s booking website.

Start this guide

Property managers manage properties and accept bookings directly from guests by acting as the merchant on a guest’s transaction or indirectly from travel agencies.

Start this guide

Online travel agencies and metasearch providers help users research and book travel from a broad array of supplier sources.

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