Fix problems using Google Play Books

Use this page to troubleshoot if you:
  • Can’t find an eBook or audiobook in your library
  • Have trouble reading or listening to an eBook or audiobook
  • Have trouble reading in a yellow screen display
If your book won’t load or open, try the troubleshooting steps in Fix problems loading a book.
Important: If you use a Google Account associated with an institution like work or school, some features might not work. Contact your organisation's technical staff for more information. Learn how to turn on Google services.

Fix problems with book rentals

If the textbook that you rented hasn’t appeared in your library:

  1. Make sure that you’re signed in to the same Google Account that you used to rent the book.
  2. Make sure that you’ve updated the Google Play Books app to the latest version. If neither of these fix the problem, try these troubleshooting steps.

Find a missing book in your library

If you can’t find an eBook or audiobook that you bought in your library, follow these steps:

Step 1: Make sure that you’re signed in to the right account
  1. On your computer, open your library on Google Play.
  2. At the top right, click your profile photo.
  3. Click the account that you want to sign in to. If you don’t see the right account, click Add account and follow the instructions.
Step 2: Check whether you bought the book
  1. Go to the Play Store.
  2. Search for the book’s title.
  3. Click the book.
  4. Find the blue button.
    • If it says 'Read', you already own the book.
    • If it says 'Buy', you'll need to buy the eBook or audiobook to read or listen to it.
Step 3: Check whether the book is hidden
  1. On your computer, go to your Google Play order history.
  2. Under 'Order history', find the book that you want.
  3. At the right of the title, click Show or hide from my library.
Step 4: Check for other reasons that the book isn't showing in your library
  • If you recently bought the eBook or audiobook and it isn’t appearing, try clearing your browser data.
  • If you selected 'Delete forever' for an eBook or audiobook, it will no longer appear in your library. You'll have to buy it again.
  • In rare cases of content violations, eBooks or audiobooks can be removed. If you can’t find a title in your library and it’s no longer listed on the Play Store, contact Google Play support.

Fix problems playing audiobooks

Check the sound or volume settings on your computer. If you're using Bluetooth speakers, disconnect  them. 

Fix missing or wrong page numbers

Most eBooks on Google Play Books adjust to fit your screen when you change page features like font size or line spacing. This means:

  • The same page number can appear on multiple pages
  • The page count shown might be different than the page count on the eBook’s details page.

Allow browser cookies for Google Play Books

If your computer's web browser is blocking cookies from Google Play Books, add an exception on Google Chrome.

  1. On your computer, open a Chrome browser.
  2. At the top right, click More Moreand then Settings.
  3. At the bottom of the page, click Advanced.
  4. Under 'Privacy and security', click Content settings and then Cookies.
  5. Next to 'Allow', click Add.
  6. Enter
  7. Click Done.

Learn more about managing cookies and site data using Chrome.

For other browsers, such as Safari or Firefox, refer to your browser's help resources.

Delete a book from your library

If you remove an eBook or audiobook on your computer, it’ll be deleted from your library on all devices.

  1. ​On your computer, go to your Play Books library.
  2. Find the eBook or audiobook that you want to remove.
  3. From the book, click More More and then Remove from my library and then OK.
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