Use this page to troubleshoot if your book:
- Doesn’t download
- Doesn’t open
- Won’t load a page
Step 1: Check your connection and updates
- Make sure your Android phone or tablet is connected to Wi-Fi or a mobile network.
- Check that your Play Books app is updated to the latest version.
Step 2: Remove & re-download the book
- To remove the ebook or audiobook, on the cover, tap More
Remove download.
- To reload and open the ebook or audiobook, tap More
Step 3: Reload the Google Play Books app
- On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Books app
- To reload the app, from the top of the homepage, pull down.
Step 4: Clear your app data
- Open the Play Books app
- At the top right, tap your Profile picture.
- Next to your name, tap the Down arrow
- Tap Manage accounts on this device
Remove from this device
- Tap Sign in
Continue. Follow the prompts to sign back in.