About manager linking and unlinking errors

Manager accounts have a set of limitations when it comes to linking. If you encounter an error message while attempting to link or unlink your accounts, then you have most likely run into one of the linking limitations described in this article.

Linking Error Causes

  1. The account is already linked to a manager in the same hierarchy
  2. Manager accounts with a shared client account can’t be part of the same hierarchy
  3. You have reached the limit of one manager directly managing another manager
  4. You have reached the limit of 5 manager levels
  5. You have reached the limit of 5 managers managing one client account
  6. You have reached the maximum number of accounts
  7. You have reached the maximum number of pending invitations
  8. The account doesn’t have any administrative users or owners besides this manager account
  9. You need ownership of this account to perform this action
  10. You need administrative access to perform this action

Graphics legend

Manager account Client account Error Acceptable Supported link Unsupported link

1. The account is already linked to a manager in the same hierarchy

*Error message: “Invitee is already managed by another manager in your hierarchy.”

An account can only be linked once within the same manager hierarchy. The example below illustrates this concept. In it, Manager 1 is linked to Manager 2 and a client account. Manager 2 cannot also be linked to that same client account because 2 managers in the same hierarchy (in other words, 2 managers linked to one another) cannot be linked directly to the same client account.

If you don’t find another manager account in your hierarchy that’s linked to the client account, it’s possible that the other manager account is above the manager account you’re logged in to.


If you have access to Manager 1, which is linked to the client account, log in to Manager 1 and navigate to your “Sub-Account Settings” page. Select the client account that you’d like to link to Manager 2 and select Edit and then Change Manager. In the box that appears, select Manager 2.

If you don’t have access to the Manager 1 account, then you will need to get in contact with an administrator of that account.

*Error messages are subject to updates and may change over time.

2. Manager accounts with a shared client account can’t be part of the same hierarchy

*Error message: “The client would be linked more than once in a hierarchy.”

An account can only be linked once within the same manager hierarchy. In the example below, Manager 1 and Manager 2 are both linked to the same client account. In this situation, Manager 1 cannot be linked to Manager 2 because it would cause the client account to be linked directly to 2 managers in the same hierarchy (in other words, 2 managers linked to one another).


To link Manager 1 and Manager 2, you must first unlink one of the manager accounts from the shared client account. Learn how to unlink accounts from your manager account.

*Error messages are subject to updates and may change over time.

3. You have reached the limit of one manager directly managing another manager

*Error message: “You have reached the maximum number of managers.”

A manager account can only have one manager linked directly above it.

Note that this limit only applies to manager accounts. A client account can have up to 5 manager accounts linked to it directly.


If Manager 2 is already linked to and managing Manager 3, but you want Manager 1 to manage Manager 3, you need to link Manager 2 above Manager 1, or unlink Manager 2 from Manager 3. Learn how to unlink accounts from your manager account and how to change ownership status of manager accounts.

*Error messages are subject to updates and may change over time.

4. You have reached the limit of 5 manager levels

*Error message: “Linking invitee would exceed the maximum number of allowable sub-manager levels.”

Manager structures can only be 5 levels deep, which means that you can only have 5 managers on top of each other in your manager account structure.

If you receive this error message and you find fewer than 5 manager levels in the hierarchy, then there are likely additional manager accounts above your top-level manager account that you cannot view because you lack access.


Link your new manager account at least one level above the 5th manager account in the hierarchy or unlink one or more existing managers in the hierarchy. Learn how to unlink accounts from your manager account and how to change ownership status of manager accounts.

*Error messages are subject to updates and may change over time.

5. You have reached the limit of 5 managers managing one client account

*Error message: “You have reached the maximum number of managers.”

Client accounts can only have up to 5 manager accounts linked directly to them.


Link your new manager account to one of the existing manager accounts or unlink one of the existing manager accounts from a client account before linking your new manager account to that client account. Learn how to unlink accounts from your manager account.

*Error messages are subject to updates and may change over time.

6. You have reached the maximum number of accounts

*Error message: “You have the maximum number of accounts.”

Each manager account has a maximum account limit, which is the maximum number of client accounts your manager account can be linked to at any given time. If you receive an error stating that you’ve reached the maximum number of allowable accounts, then linking an additional account will cause you to exceed your maximum account limit.

The maximum number of active accounts linked to your manager account depends on the combined monthly spend of all your client accounts over the last 12 months, with a total limit of 85,000 accounts including inactive ones. Learn more about account limits for manager accounts.


In order to bring your manager account under the account limit, you must cancel some accounts or unlink accounts from your manager account. Learn how to cancel client accounts and how to unlink accounts from your manager account.

*Error messages are subject to updates and may change over time.

7. You have reached the maximum number of pending invitations

*Error message: “You have reached the maximum number of pending invitations.”

The maximum number of pending invitations is 20. You can view your pending invitations in your manager account Accounts icon. by clicking on the Accounts icon, then clicking on Sub-account settings and then Sent link requests. If your manager account already has 20 pending invitations, then you cannot invite additional client accounts.


To reduce the number of pending invitations, you can ask administrative users on the requested accounts to approve the linking invites or you can revoke the invites if they are no longer needed.

*Error messages are subject to updates and may change over time.

8. The account doesn't have any administrative users or owners besides this manager account

*Error message: “Each account must have either a user with administrative access or a manager account with administrative ownership.”

Accounts can’t be left without any administrators, otherwise there will be no one to manage the account in the future.


Add a user with administrative access to the client account or transfer ownership to a different manager account. Learn how to manage users and access levels for your manager accounts and how to change ownership status of manager accounts.

*Error messages are subject to updates and may change over time.

9. You need ownership of this account to perform this action

*Error message: “You don't have permission to perform this action. Only Administrative owners or users who have administrative access to this account can do this change.”

In order to perform critical account management actions within client accounts, such as unlinking other manager accounts from that client account and accepting account linking requests, your manager account must have ownership of the client account and you as a user must have administrative access to the manager account. Learn more about user access levels for your manager account.


If you need ownership of a client account, the current owner manager will need to transfer ownership to your manager account. If the client account doesn't currently have an owner manager, the client account must grant ownership to your account. Learn how to change ownership status of manager accounts.

*Error messages are subject to updates and may change over time.

10. You need administrative access to perform this action

*Error message: “You need administrative access to perform this action.”

In order to perform critical account management tasks such as sending account linking requests, accepting account linking requests, and removing users, you must have administrative access to your manager account. Additionally, if you are a user on a manager account attempting to make critical changes to a client account, your manager account must have ownership of that client account.


Ask a user with administrative access to your manager account to make the change or ask them to increase your access level to “Administrative” so that you can make the change. Learn more about user access levels for your manager account.

*Error messages are subject to updates and may change over time.

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