Best practices for finding new keywords

Note: Smart Campaigns can only be created in Smart Mode. New and existing advertisers not in Smart Mode are eligible for a variety of other campaigns.

To access Keyword Planner:

  • You must complete your account setup by entering your billing information and creating a campaign. If you’re not yet ready to spend money, you can choose to pause your campaigns.

As you use Keyword Planner to find new keyword ideas for your Search Network campaigns, you may only get a few relevant results. This article provides tips and best practices for finding new keywords that are more relevant to your business, product, or service and avoiding keywords that are less relevant.

1. Think like your customers


Describe how your customers think of your product or service category. Learn more about how to Refine your new keywords in Keyword Planner

Example: hiking boots


Don't anticipate actual search queries that potential customers might enter. Keywords that are too specific can be limiting.

Example: what are the best hiking boots

2. Be specific but not too specific


Use the right amount of details.

Example: wedding venue
Example: kids recipes


Don't be overly general. Keywords that are too general don't provide enough hints to what people looking for your product or service actually search on.

Example: wedding
Example: tasty

On the other hand, don’t be too specific.

Example: wedding venues for small weddings
Example: kids recipes under 10 minutes

3. Add a website to improve results


A keyword and website can provide more relevant keyword ideas

4. Highlight well-known brands in your offerings


Include the name of a popular brand that you sell.


Don't mention a new brand that most people aren't aware of yet.

5. Be descriptive


Use adjectives sparingly.

Example: Start with "hiking boots", and then use "best hiking boots".


Avoid starting your keyword research with an adjective.

Example: best hiking boots.

6. Use multiple keywords or keyword phrases


Use several keywords or keyword phrases about the same topic.

Example: charities to donate, charitable contributions
Example: short stories, mystery short stories, mystery author


Don't use keywords about unrelated topics or that give only partial information.

Examples: best charities to donate, medical research
Examples: short stories, mystery, author

7. Use location wisely


Include a location in your keywords if your customers aren't in the same location as your service or product.


Don't include a location if you plan to use location targeting for your ads.

Troubleshooting failed keyword attempts

Online advertising is a powerful way to reach customers, but with sensitive topics, Google works hard to avoid showing ads when and where they may be inappropriate. Because each search is different, keywords are sometimes flagged as a precaution. Learn more about our advertising policies

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