Modernizing the look of display ads for better performance

August 20, 2018

We've updated the visuals around Google Display ads to help you get better performance.

First, text ads are now more than simple text. Ads can now feature a logo when a logo has been added to a creative. Along with increased branding potential, there’s a new font and a rounded call-to-action button. Both changes are intended to align with current design best practices. As these changes roll out, you’ll also begin to see an option to add custom colors, both a main and an accent color, so that your ads align as closely as possible with your branding preferences.


Updated Google Display ads visuals


Second, the assets for your responsive display ads can now fit together more seamlessly. Using machine learning, colors are extracted from the images you provide to Google Ads. We create a layout that approximates fully-designed image ads. The colors of the text and button of your ad are all customized to create an appealing contrast for your entire ad unit. The end result should be ads that are content-aware, and closely match the style of top performing human-created image ads.


Updated responsive display ads visuals


In order to make the most of these formats, ensure that you’re providing a selection of creative assets to assemble the best possible ads. Check out our advice about creating effective display ads. Read more about responsive display ads.

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