আপনি যে পৃষ্ঠাটির জন্য অনুরোধ করেছেন সেটি বর্তমানে আপনার ভাষায় উপলভ্য নয়। আপনি পৃষ্ঠার নিচে অন্য কোনও ভাষা বেছে নিতে পারেন বা Google Chrome-এর বিল্ট-ইন অনুবাদ ফিচার ব্যবহার করে আপনার পছন্দের ভাষায় যেকোনও ওয়েবপৃষ্ঠা অবিলম্বে অনুবাদ করতে পারেন।

About automatically created data segments

To provide a comprehensive and consolidated view of your Audiences and make audience management and optimization simpler, you’ll find the following improvements in Google Ads:

  • New audience reporting
    Detailed reporting about audience demographics, segments, and exclusions is now consolidated in one place. Click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon and open the “Audiences, keywords and content” tab and click Audiences. You can also easily manage your Audiences from this report page. Learn more About Audience reporting.
  • New terms
    We’re using new terms on your audience report and throughout Google Ads. For example, “audience types” (these include custom, in-market, and affinity) are now referred to as audience segments and “remarketing” is now referred to as “your data”. Learn more about the Updates to Audience terms and phrases.

If you've set up a global site tag on your website to track your website visitors and app users, Google Ads will automatically create default data segments such as “All visitors” or "Shopping cart abandoners" for you. You can immediately start targeting these segments in your ad groups. This article helps you understand automatically created data segments and how they work.

Before you begin

Read about your data segments to understand how they work. For an overview about inserting custom parameters into your global site tag code, read about using custom parameters.

How it works

The global site tag that you have added on your website adds your website visitors to your data segments based on the rules and conditions of your data segments. For dynamic remarketing, Google Ads also uses the custom parameters in your tag to create more specific data segments based on actions taken on your site.

The pagetype portion of the custom parameter tells Google Ads what kind of website you're advertising. Then, you can add specific values for each page action. For example, to create a data segment of people who visited your homepage, you could use the value 'home' as your custom parameter, and place the tag on your home page.

Keep in mind

Your global site tags correspond directly to who ends up on your data segments. That's why it's important to follow the exact custom parameter names and values when you set up your global site tag. You can add these default data segments to your ad group targeting, or create your own data segments based on rules. However, your default data segments cannot be deleted.

How to Create Effective Remarketing Lists

Learn how to create effective remarketing lists on the Google Display Network. In this video, we'll uncover how to create different lists based on each customer’s journey through your website so that you can target them with different bids or ads.


When you add your tag to your website, don't translate the custom parameter names or values from the templates. The default data segments are created automatically based on parameter names in English. For example, the pagetype parameter for pages including a shopping cart should have the value cart, not basket (UK English), or carrinho (Portuguese).

Common default segments

Default data segment Description Tag information
All visitors Anyone who visited your website or app This segment populates using all values from all parameters in the tag used in your website and app.
All converters Anyone who converted on your website This segment populates automatically using your conversion tracking tag. If you haven't set up conversion tracking, this segment will be empty.
Google Ads optimized segment This is a combination segment, made up of multiple segments from available audience sources into a single data segment. To create this segment, you'll need to connect at least 1 data source in the Audience sources page, or go through the Google Ads data segment construction flow.

Default data segments for specific business types


These data segments are designed to work best for education websites. If you're advertising education programs, make sure your global site tag includes the edu_pagetype parameter. This classifies the page as "Education". Below are the custom parameter values for each segment type, such as edu_pagetype='home'.

Default data segment Description Tag information
General visitors People who visited your website or app but didn’t view specific courses or programs. This segment doesn't include people that are in other segments: program searchers, program viewers, conversion abandoners and past converters. To populate this segment, your Googel Ads tag should include the edu_pagetype tag on all pages of your site. If some of your pages don't have a set value (such as 'home'), leave the value empty.
Program searchers People who searched for courses or programs on your site. This segment doesn't already doesn't include people that are in program viewers, conversion abandoners and past converters segments. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your search result pages should include: edu_pagetype = 'searchresults'
Program viewers People who viewed specific course or program pages on your site. This segment doesn't include people that are in conversion abandoners and past converters segments. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your course or program pages should include: edu_pagetype = 'program'
Conversion abandoners People who started a form for more information but didn’t submit it. This segment doesn't include people that are in the past converters segment. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your form pages should include: edu_pagetype = 'lead'
Past converters People who submitted a form in the past To populate this segment, the global site tag on your conversion pages should include: edu_pagetype = 'complete'

These data segments are designed to work best for flight booking websites. If you're advertising a website that books flights, make sure your global site tag includes the flight_pagetype parameter. This classifies the page as "Flights". Below are the custom parameter values for each segment type, such as flight_pagetype='home'.

Default data segment Description Tag information
General visitors People who visited your website or app but didn’t view specific flights. This segment already doesn't include people that are in other segments: flight searchers, flight viewers, conversion abandoners and past converters. To populate this segment, your global site tag should include the flight_pagetype tag on all pages of your site. If some of your pages don't have a set value (such as ='home' ), leave the value empty.
Flight searchers People who searched for flights on your site. This segment already doesn't include people that are in flight viewers, conversion abandoners and past converters segments. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your search result pages should include: flight_pagetype = 'searchresults'
Flight viewers People who viewed specific flight pages on your site. This segment already doesn't include people that are in conversion abandoners and past converters segments. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your flight details pages should include: flight_pagetype = 'offerdetail'
Conversion abandoners People who started a ticket purchase but didn’t book the flight. This segment doesn't include people that are in past converters segment. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your checkout pages should include: flight_pagetype = 'cart'
Past converters People who booked flights from you in the past To populate this segment, the global site tag on your booking confirmation pages should include: flight_pagetype = 'purchase'
Hotels and rentals

These segments are designed to work best for hotel and rental booking websites. If you're advertising a website that books rooms or homes, make sure your global site tag includes the hrental_pagetype parameter. This classifies the page as "Hotels and rentals". Below are the custom parameter values for each segment type, such as hrental_pagetype= 'home'.

Default data segment Description Tag information
General visitors People who visited your website or app but didn’t view specific hotels or rentals. This segment already doesn't include people that are in other segments: property searchers, property viewers, conversion abandoners and past converters. To populate this segment, your global site tag should include the hrental_pagetype tag on all pages of your site. If some of your pages don't have a set value (such as 'home' ), leave the value empty.
Property searchers People who searched for hotels or rentals on your site. This segment already doesn't include people that are in property viewers, conversion abandoners and past converters segments. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your search result pages should include: hrental_pagetype = 'searchresults'
Property viewers People who viewed specific hotel and rental pages on your site. This segment already doesn't include people that are in conversion abandoners and past converters segments. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your hotel and rental pages should include: hrental_pagetype = 'offerdetail'
Conversion abandoners People who started to book a hotel or rental but didn’t complete their booking. This segment already doesn't include people that are in the past converters segment. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your booking pages should include: hrental_pagetype ='conversionintent'
Past converters People who booked a hotel or rental from you in the past To populate this segment, the global site tag on your confirmation pages should include: hrental_pagetype = 'conversion'

These segments are designed to work best for job listing websites. If you're advertising a website that shows job openings, make sure your global site tag includes the job_pagetype parameter. This classifies the page as "Jobs". Below are the custom parameter values for each segment type, such as job_pagetype = 'home'.

Default data segment Description Tag information
General visitors People who visited your website or app but didn’t view specific jobs. This segment already doesn't include people that are in other segments: job searchers, job viewers, conversion abandoners and past converters. To populate this segment, your global site tag should include the job_pagetype tag on all pages of your site. If some of your pages don't have a set value (such as 'home'), leave the value empty.
Job searchers People who searched for jobs on your site. This segment already doesn't include people that are in job viewers, conversion abandoners and past converters segments. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your search result pages should include: job_pagetype = 'searchresults'
Job viewers People who viewed specific job pages on your site. This segment already doesn't include people that are in conversion abandoners and past converters segments. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your job description pages should include: job_pagetype = 'offerdetail'
Conversion abandoners People who started a form or request to contact a recruiter but didn’t submit it. This segment doesn't include people that are in the past converters segment. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your form pages should include: job_pagetype ='conversionintent'
Past converters People who submitted a form or contacted a recruiter in the past To populate this segment, the global site tag on your form confirmation pages should include: job_pagetype = 'conversion'
Local deals

These segments are designed to work best for local deal listing websites. If you're advertising a website that shows deals offered by local businesses, make sure your global site tag includes the local_pagetype parameter. This classifies the page as "Local deals". Below are the custom parameter values for each segment type, such as local_pagetype = 'home' .

Default data segment Description Tag information
General visitors People who visited your website or app but didn’t view specific local deals or offers To populate this segment, your global site tag should include the local_pagetype tag on all pages of your site. If some of your pages don't have a set value (such as 'home'), leave the value empty.
Deal searchers People who searched for local deals or offers on your site. This segment doesn't include people that are in deal viewers, conversion abandoners and past converters segments. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your search result pages should include: local_pagetype = 'searchresults'
Deal viewers People who viewed specific local deal and offer pages on your site. This segment doesn't include people that are in conversion abandoners and past converters segments. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your local deal and offer pages should include: local_pagetype = 'offerdetail'
Conversion abandoners People who started to buy a local deal or offer but didn’t complete their purchase. This segment doesn't include people that are in the past converters segment. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your form pages pages should include: local_pagetype ='conversionintent'
Past converters People who purchased a local deal or offer from you in the past To populate this segment, the global site tag on your purchase confirmation pages should include: local_pagetype = 'conversion'

These segments are designed to work best for ecommerce or retail websites. If you're advertising a website that sells products, make sure your global site tag includes the ecomm_pagetype parameter. This classifies the page as "Retail". Below are the custom parameter values for each segment type, such as ecomm_pagetype = 'home'.

Default data segment Description Tag information
General visitors Site visitors who have not been to pages marked with ecomm_pagetype='product', 'cart', or 'purchase'. This segment will add all visitors and exclude people that are in other segments: product viewers, shopping cart abandoners and past buyers. To populate this segment, your global site tag should include the ecomm_pagetype tag on all pages of your site. If some of your pages don't have a set value (such as 'home'), leave the value empty.
Product viewers People who viewed specific product pages on your site. This segment doesn't include people that are in shopping cart abandoners and past buyers segments. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your product pages should include: ecomm_pagetype = 'product'.
Note: Google Ads can also automatically add people who have seen products on your website to this segment.
Shopping cart abandoners People who added products to their shopping cart but didn’t complete the purchase. This segment doesn't include people that are in the past buyers segment. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your cart pages should include: ecomm_pagetype = 'cart'
Past buyers People who purchased products from you in the past To populate this segment, the global site tag on your purchase confirmation pages should include: ecomm_pagetype ='purchase'
Real estate

These segments are designed to work best for real estate or home listing websites. If you're advertising a website that lists homes or properties for sale, make sure your global site tag includes the listing_pagetype parameter. This classifies the page as "Real estate". Below are the custom parameter values for each segment type, such as listing_pagetype = 'home'.

Default data segment Description Tag information
General visitors People who visited your website or app but didn’t view specific listings. This segment doesn't include people that are in other segments: listing searchers, listing viewers, conversion abandoners and past converters. To populate this segment, your global site tag should include the listing_pagetype tag on all pages of your site. If some of your pages don't have a set value (such as 'home' ), leave the value empty.
Listing searchers People who searched for listings on your site. This segment doesn't include people that are in listing viewers, conversion abandoners and past converters segments. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your search result pages should include: listing_pagetype = 'searchresults'
Listing viewers People who viewed specific listing pages on your site. This segment doesn't include people that are in conversion abandoners and past converters segments. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your listing pages should include: listing_pagetype = 'offerdetail'
Conversion abandoners People who started a form or request for an appointment but didn’t submit it. This segment doesn't include people that are in the past converters segment. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your form pages should include: listing_pagetype ='conversionintent'
Past converters People who submitted a form or made an appointment in the past To populate this segment, the global site tag on your confirmation pages should include: listing_pagetype = 'conversion'

These data segments are designed to work best for travel websites. If you're advertising a website that sells or books travel deals and special offers, make sure your global site tag includes the travel_pagetype parameter. This classifies the page as "Travel". Below are the custom parameter values for each segment type, such as travel_pagetype = 'home'.

Default data segments Description Tag information
General visitors People who visited your website or app but didn’t view specific travel options. This segment doesn't include people that are in other segments: listing searchers, listing viewers, conversion abandoners and past converters. To populate this segment, your global site tag should include the travel_pagetype tag on all pages of your site. If some of your pages don't have a set value (such as 'home'), leave the value empty.
Listing searchers People who searched for travel options on your site. This segment doesn't include people that are in listing viewers, conversion abandoners and past converters segments. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your search result pages should include: travel_pagetype = 'searchresults'
Listing viewers People who viewed specific travel option pages on your site. This segment doesn't include people that are in conversion abandoners and past converters segments. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your travel option pages should include: travel_pagetype = 'offerdetail'
Conversion abandoners People who started to book a travel option but didn’t complete their booking. This segment doesn't include people that are in the past converters segment. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your booking form pages should include: travel_pagetype ='conversionintent'
Past converters People who booked a travel option from you in the past To populate this segment, the global site tag on your booking confirmation pages should include: travel_pagetype = 'conversion'

If you're advertising a website that doesn't fall into any of the above categories, you can use the dynx_pagetype parameter. Below are the custom parameter values for each segment type, such as dynx_pagetype = 'home' .

Default data segment Description Tag information
General visitors People who visited your website or app but didn’t view specific pages. This segment doesn't include people that are in other segments: searchers, product or service viewers, conversion abandoners and past converters. To populate this segment, your global site tag should include the dynx_pagetype tag on all pages of your site. If some of your pages don't have a set value (such as 'home'), leave the value empty.
Searchers People who searched your site. This segment doesn't include people that are in product or service viewers, conversion abandoners and past converters segments. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your search result pages should include: dynx_pagetype = 'searchresults'
Product or service viewers. People who viewed specific pages on your site. This segment doesn't include people that are in conversion abandoners and past converters segments. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your products or services pages should include: dynx_pagetype = 'offerdetail'
Conversion abandoners People who started a conversion or purchase but didn’t complete it. This segment doesn't include people that are in the past converters segment. To populate this segment, the global site tag on your cart or form pages should include: dynx_pagetype ='conversionintent'
Past converters People who converted or purchased from you in the past To populate this segment, the global site tag on your purchase confirmation pages should include: dynx_pagetype = 'conversion'

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