Account budgets are an option where you can specify a set amount of money that you'd like your account to spend over a set period of time. It's available to advertisers who use monthly invoicing as a payment setting.
Note: Account budgets were formerly known as budget orders.
- To view the status of any budget, including the amount of spend remaining in each, click the Billing icon
in the left-hand menu, then click Account budgets.
- Your account will stop running ads if your budget is spent or you reach the end date that you've set for your budget. Make sure that you check your account budgets regularly to make sure that your ads continue to run.
- If you set your budget amount to 'Unlimited', your total spend won't be limited by the account budget, but by the average daily budget that you've set for each campaign.
- If a budget has an end date and an amount, the daily spend will still be controlled by average daily budgets, but the budget amount is an additional limit for the set time frame.