Use & manage apps in Gemini

Gemini Apps can interact with other services called apps to provide more helpful responses to your prompts. For example, Gemini Apps can help you:

  • Get real-time flight and hotel booking info for customized travel planning
  • Create a template to write a best man speech and find YouTube videos of funny ones for inspiration
  • Get location-based information from Google Maps

With your permission, Gemini Apps can help you connect with your personal information and content in other apps, including tools and services. For example, you can:

Important for users with a work or school account: The info below is for users who access Gemini Apps with a personal account. If you’re using a work or school account, learn how to use apps connected to Gemini with a work and school Google Account.

What you need

To connect apps to Gemini, you must have​​​​ Gemini Apps Activity on. 

Important: If you’re under 18, Google Workspace and Maps apps currently only work with English prompts in Gemini.

How to use apps in Gemini

Important: Most apps are enabled (turned on) in Gemini by default. You can disable apps at any time on your Apps page in Gemini settings.

  1. On your computer, go to
  2. In the text box at the bottom, enter your question or prompt.
    • Optionally, to specify an app for Gemini to use, enter @ and select the app. If the app you select is disabled, it’ll either be enabled or Gemini will ask for your permission to enable it.
  3. Click Submit . If an app is available, Gemini automatically uses it.
  4. If needed, to give Gemini permission to use the app, click Continue and follow the on-screen instructions.


  • Find videos of how to quickly get grape juice out of a wool rug.
  • How long is the drive from Atlanta to Orlando and give me some ideas for how to keep 3 kids entertained in the car.
  • Find flights to Miami for New Years. What's the usual temperature then?
  • Find hotels for a 4-day trip to San Francisco for New Years Eve.

Browse available apps

Important: The available apps vary by region.

  1. On your computer, go to
  2. At the bottom, click Settings  and then Apps .

Enable or disable an app

Important: If you disable an app, it doesn't delete your activity related to that app from your Gemini Apps Activity, or any data shared with and stored by other services. Learn more about how your data works with connected apps.

  1. On your computer, go to
  2. At the bottom, click Settings  and then Apps .
  3. Find the app and disable the app  or enable the app.
  4. Follow any on-screen instructions.

Learn more about connected apps

Important: Availability of apps vary by location, language, device, and Gemini app. For details, review the articles below.

You can learn about the tools and services that Gemini Apps can interact with below.

How apps work in Gemini

  • Gemini only connects to apps that are on your Apps page in Gemini settings. This includes apps you turn on when you specify them in your prompt with an "@" mention.
  • Gemini checks for apps that can help it generate a more helpful response. If Gemini finds an app that can help, it automatically sends information from your conversation and other relevant information to that app. For example, Gemini will send your location data to Google Maps if you ask for coffee shops near you and the Google Maps app is on in your Apps page in Gemini settings.
  • Gemini won’t access your personal content in other services without your permission. Gemini is designed to automatically work with some apps, including tools and content, on your device to help you seamlessly interact with it.
  • If you directly interact with another Google service in Gemini Apps, your activity might be saved by that other service. For example, if you watch a YouTube video in a Gemini app, YouTube may:
  • Gemini Apps can connect with third-party apps and services. When they do, Gemini Apps share information with those apps and services to fulfill your requests. That information is then used by those third-party apps and services according to their own developers' privacy policies.
  • If you disable the YouTube app, you can still talk Live about a video you’re viewing in the YouTube app.

Learn more about how connected apps work with your personal data.

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