Play & search for music from Spotify with Gemini Apps

When you link your Spotify account to your Google Account, you can ask Gemini Apps to play or search for music on Spotify. For example, you can ask for music by song, album, artist, playlist, and more.


  • The Spotify extension isn’t available in Gemini in Google Messages, the Gemini web app, or the Gemini app on iPhone.
  • We’re gradually releasing the Spotify extension in all languages supported by the Gemini app on Android, so it might not be available to you in the new languages just yet.
  • Extensions are only available when Gemini Apps Activity is on.
  • Extensions work the same way for both spoken and typed prompts. On Android mobile devices, if "Hey Google" doesn’t work, check if “Hey Google” and Voice Match are set up.
  • Spotify plays the specific song you requested only if you have a Spotify Premium subscription.

Connect Spotify to Gemini Apps

To connect to Spotify, your Spotify account must be linked to your Google Account. You might have already linked it through another Google service. If not, follow the steps below to connect Spotify to your Google Account through Gemini Apps.

  1. Ask the Gemini app to play, search, or browse music on Spotify.
  2. If Spotify isn’t connected, you’ll get the option to connect it.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions.


Important: If you connected more than one music service and don’t specify one in your request, the Gemini app uses the last music service you used. To use another one that’s available, you can mention the music service or “@” mention it in your prompt.

You can ask Gemini Apps to find and play music on Spotify. Try the example prompts below.

Play music

  • Play [album name] on Spotify
  • Play [song name] by [artist name] on Spotify
  • Play my Spotify playlist called [playlist name]
  • Play music for [activity] on Spotify

Search for music

  • Search for [artist name] songs
  • Search for the song that goes [lyrics]
  • Find a Spotify playlist with [genre, mood, activity] music

What Gemini Apps can’t do with Spotify

Gemini Apps can’t perform certain actions in Spotify for you, like create a Spotify playlist or radio.

How extensions work in Gemini Apps

  • Gemini Apps only use extensions that are on in your Extensions settings. This includes extensions you turn on when you specify them in your prompt with an "@" mention.
  • Gemini Apps check for extensions that can help it generate a more helpful response. If a Gemini app finds an extension that can help, it automatically sends information from your conversation and other relevant information to that extension. For example, Gemini Apps will send your location data to Google Maps if you ask for coffee shops near you and the Google Maps extension is on.
  • Gemini Apps won’t access your personal content in other services without your permission. Some Gemini Extensions are designed to automatically work with tools, apps, and content on your device to help you seamlessly interact with it.
  • If you directly interact with another Google service in Gemini Apps, your activity might be saved by that other service. For example, if you watch a YouTube video in a Gemini app, YouTube may:
  • Gemini Apps can use extensions to help you connect with third-party apps and services. When they do, Gemini Apps share information with those apps and services to fulfill your requests. That information is then used by those third-party apps and services according to their own developers' privacy policies.
  • If you turn off the YouTube extension, you can still talk Live about a video you’re viewing in the YouTube app.

Learn more about how extensions work with your personal data.

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