
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Use bulksheets to create manual campaigns

Get started uploading complete campaigns from a single bulksheet

Before you start

If you're new to bulksheets, learn about uploading campaigns, ad groups, and keywords to supported search engine accounts.

You can use a single bulksheet to create campaigns, ad groups, and keywords at the same time. Here's an overview of the recommended steps (the details are provided later):

  1. Create and pause a campaign that contains just one ad group, one ad, one keyword.
    If you want to upload campaigns into different types of engine accounts (such as Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising), create one paused campaign for each type of engine account.
  2. Download an editable bulksheet that contains the paused campaign.
    The downloaded bulksheet contains all of the columns you need to create campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords. The bulksheet also contains one row that creates a campaign, a row that creates an ad group, a row that creates an ad, and another row that creates keywords. Use these rows as templates for creating new campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords.
    Instead of creating and pausing a campaign, you can download an existing campaign that's already running. However, if you download a large campaign the bulksheet will contain a large number of rows and will be more difficult to edit. The recommended practice is to create and download a bare bones campaign so you can edit the downloaded bulksheet.
  3. In the downloaded bulksheet, copy and paste the template rows. Then enter information in the pasted rows to create new new campaigns, ad groups, and keywords. You'll use this bulksheet template to create campaigns in Search Ads 360. 

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