
Upoštevajte, da skupina za podporo za stranke ne ponuja storitev za odpravljanje težav v vašem trenutnem prikaznem jeziku. Če se želite obrniti na osebje skupine za podporo, najprej preklopite na angleščino ali druge podprte jezike (španščino, portugalščino ali japonščino). 

Zahtevana stran za zdaj ni na voljo v vašem jeziku. Na dnu strani lahko izberete drug jezik ali takoj prevedete katero koli spletno stran v jezik po izbiri z vgrajeno funkcijo prevajanja Google Chroma.

Partners in Display & Video 360

In Display & Video 360, partners represent agencies, trading desks, or large individual advertisers. Multiple Display & Video 360 advertisers generally exist underneath a single partner. 

 Get started

Before you apply, review all the requirements you must meet in order to be considered for Company certification. We certify on a per country basis.

Become a Partner

Partner settings 

The following properties are set at the partner level and inherited by all advertisers that belong to the same partner.

Basic details

  • Name
  • Timezone
  • Currency
  • Nielsen contract company
  • Measurement settings
  • Partner ID
  • Exchanges
  • Structured Data Files
  • Billing profiles
  • Entity read files configuration
  • Data protection
  • Additional settings
    • Third party rate cards


You can set default targeting for the following types of targeting at the partner level. These defaults are copied into new campaigns, insertion orders, and line items. They can be overwritten.

  • Inventory source
  • Geography
  • Environment
  • Position
  • Channels & URLs

Display & Video 360 fee

The Display & Video 360 fee describes the rates your business pays to use Display & Video 360 and purchase Google-owned media, such as YouTube. It's calculated as a percentage of media spend.

Depending on your contract, this fee may be calculated dynamically for your advertiser. In this case, you'll see the words "Automated Cost" next to your Display & Video 360 fee in your revenue model.

Display & Video 360 fees are calculated based on the type of inventory:

  • Upper (exchange) rate: Open auction, preferred/private auction deals
  • Lower (non-exchange) rate: YouTube, Demand Gen, and programmatic guaranteed deals

Partner costs

A partner cost is any type of expense involved in running a campaign, other than the costs of purchasing impressions (which is called the media cost) and using third-party audience segment data (data fee). Some examples of partner costs include the fees for using Display & Video 360, a third-party ad server, or a third-party ad serving verification service.

The partner costs section tracks these fees. Additionally, depending on a given advertiser's revenue model, these fees may be incorporated into how Display & Video 360 calculates revenue.    

Default partner revenue model

Your default partner revenue model controls the default revenue model for your partner's advertisers. Use the partner revenue model to track the markup for your service fees.

Advertiser configurations

Linked accounts

In this section, you can manage the links that exist between your Display & Video 360 account and other services.

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