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Guidelines for image creatives

You can serve image creatives by assigning them to display line items. Below are the most common requirements and best practices for images on various exchanges.

Best practices: Check mark iconBest practices

Follow IAB guidelines

IAB guidelines

Use high quality images

To make sure images look great on any device, including high resolution screens, upload image assets that are up to twice the dimensions of your creative. Display & Video 360 scales images based on the resolution of the device where your ad appears. The image will stay the same shape, even when it's resized to fit different screens.


To make sure a 300 × 250 creative looks great on high resolution screens, upload a 600 × 500 image and select 300 × 250 as the dimensions.

Content requirements

To run on Display & Video 360, all creatives must follow the creative content and policy guidelines.

Asset requirements

File types
  • JPG
  • GIF
  • PNG
Dimensions No larger than 4000 × 4000 pixels
File size No larger than 10 MB, but publishers may require smaller file sizes
Landing page URL Required

Common display ad sizes

Below are the most common display ad sizes, but different sites, apps, and regions support other sizes. To check the dimensions of all available inventory that matches your targeting, create an Inventory Availability report.

  • Square and rectangle: 250 × 250, 300 × 250, 320 × 320, 336 × 280
  • Skyscraper: 120 × 600, 160 × 600, 300 × 600, 300 × 1050
  • Leaderboard: 468 × 60, 728 × 90, 800 × 250, 970 × 90, 970 × 250
  • Mobile: 300 × 50, 300 × 100, 320 × 50, 320 × 100, 320 × 480, 360 × 592, 360 × 640, 375 × 667

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