Make your account more secure

At Google, we take online security seriously. To protect your Google Account, we strongly recommend following the steps below regularly.

Important: Google may use a red, yellow, or blue exclamation point icon to recommend immediate action for your Google Account. To learn more, go to Recommended actions.

Recommended actions

An exclamation point beside "Recommended actions” means that Google recommends you take active steps to secure your account. The level of severity is based on their color: blue for security tips, yellow for important steps and red for urgent ones. A green shield with a check mark means your account is healthy and no immediate action is needed.

To check for notifications:

  1. Sign into your Google Account.
  2. At the top right, select your profile picture.
  3. Select Recommended actions.
    • This takes you to Security Checkup, where you’ll get personal recommendations to improve your account security.

If Recommended actions doesn’t appear, it means Google doesn’t have any security recommendations for you. However, you can review your security level in your Google Account:

  1. Sign into your Google Account.
  2. Go to Manage Your Account and then Security.
    • At the top, if all recommendations are resolved, this page shows a green shield.
    • If this page shows a green shield, your account is secure, but you may also have security tips that share suggestions to make your account more secure.

Tip: If you’re a journalist, activist, or someone else at risk of targeted online attacks, learn about the Advanced Protection Program.

Step 1: Do a Security Checkup

Go to Security Checkup to get personalized security recommendations for your Google Account, including:

Step 2: Update your software

If your browser, operating system, or apps are out-of-date, the software might not be safe from hackers. To help protect your account, keep your software updated.

Step 3: Use unique, strong passwords

It’s risky to use the same password on multiple sites. If your password for one site is hacked, it could be used to get into your accounts for multiple sites.

Make sure to create a strong, unique password for each account.

Step 4: Remove apps & browser extensions you don’t need

As more apps are installed on a device, it can become more vulnerable. On devices that have access to sensitive information, only install the apps and browser extensions you need. To better protect your personal info, don’t install unknown apps or apps from unknown sources.

Learn how to uninstall apps and extensions on your device:

Tip: To learn how to remove apps and extensions from other devices and browsers, go to the device or browser’s support site.

Step 5: Protect against suspicious messages & content

Hackers can use emails, text messages, phone calls, and web pages to pretend to be institutions, family members, or colleagues.

If you notice suspicious activity on your account

Follow the steps to help secure your account.

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