Add & remove photos for bulk-verified profiles

Your businesses on Google can include photos that you’ve uploaded and photos uploaded by others. The photos that you add are marked 'From the owner'. You can add photos to businesses in bulk using a spreadsheet or one-by-one.

  • You can’t upload photos to unverified locations. Learn how to get verified
  • All photos must meet our photo guidelines for Business Profiles. 
  • If you use a spreadsheet, make sure that your photos are uploaded to a publicly accessible URL, like your website or a photo hosting site. 
  • It may take several days for your photos to appear on Google Maps and Search.

Add photos to bulk-verified profiles

Add photos individually

To add photos to a single location:  

  1. Sign in to manage your Business Profile
  2. Select the business that you’d like to add photos to.
  3. Scroll to the section for the type of photo that you’d like to add, then click Add photos
  4. Drag photos into the window that appears, or click Select photos from your computer. Photos can be either .jpg or .png, and must be at least 250px tall and wide. 
  5. Click Select to upload the photo to your location. 

Add photos via spreadsheet

To add photos via spreadsheet:

  1. Sign in to manage your Business Profile
  2. Select the businesses that you'd like to add photos to.
  3. Click Actions and then Locations.
  4. Enter the URLs for your photos in the corresponding photo columns in your spreadsheet: 'Logo', 'Cover' or 'Other Photos'. To upload the same photos to multiple locations, enter the same URL in the columns for other locations in your spreadsheet. 
    • For the 'Other Photos' column: if you have more than one additional photo, separate the URLs with a comma. If a URL contains a comma, replace the comma with the code '%2C'. For example, if your URL were,2012.jpg then you should modify the URL to be Ensure that there are no invalid characters (< , >, etc.), duplicate URLs, or broken URLs. There is a maximum limit of 25 additional photos per location.
  5. Import your spreadsheet when you're done adding photos.

Remove photos from bulk-verified profiles

To remove a photo from a bulk-verified Business Profile:

  1. Sign in to manage your Business Profile
  2. Click the business with the photo that you'd like to remove.
  3. Remove the photo URL of the photo.

Tip: Learn how to remove photos from profiles that aren't bulk-verified.

Report inappropriate photo

You can report a photo that someone else added if it violates our guidelines. Your request will be reviewed to determine whether or not the photo will be removed. 

To request a photo removal:

  1. Find your location on Google Maps.
  2. Choose the photo.
    • On Google Maps, click the Report inappropriate photo link at the bottom right corner of the screen
    • On classic Google Maps, click the Photos tab to find the photo. Choose More > Report abuse
  3. Add a note saying that you are the business owner and give the reason why the photo should be taken down.

To learn more, see the Google Maps Photos and Videos Policy.

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