- Google Play Partners can sell eBooks and audiobooks in certain countries/regions. The features described here aren't available in every country/region.
- Pre-orders allow customers to order, but not read, your book before its release date. On the release date, customers who pre-ordered your book are charged for the purchase and they gain access to the book.
- Due to regulatory requirements, Google can't offer pre-orders in India. Your book will be available in the Google Play Store in India on the on-sale date.
- Before you upload any files, make sure that your content meets Google's guidelines. If you plan to sell your books on Google Play, review our publisher content policies for books on Google Play.
- Sales reports by month won’t necessarily provide detail that matches your monthly payments. For a financial report that matches your payment, go to Google Play earnings reports.
Important: If you missed an expected payment, sign in to the Book Partner Centre and go to the Payment Centre. To find alerts about issues that prevent payments, edit each payments profile.
To receive payments:
- You must have a local business address and local bank account in at least one of the countries supported for payment, specified in an active payments profile. Learn more about the supported countries to sell books on Google Play and how to set up a payments profile.
- If you're not paid via bank transfer, your bank account must be verified. Learn more about bank transfers and how to verify a bank account.
- Your balance or any earnings still due to be paid to you must meet a minimum amount. Learn more about the minimum balance for payment.
- If you sell books on Google Play in the US or in US dollars, you also need to provide tax information.
- For some countries, you need to verify your business information.
Payment methods
To specify the bank account where you'd like to receive your earnings, set up a payments profile.
Bank Transfer
Bank Transfer directly deposits your Google Play earnings to your bank account. Bank Transfer is the Google-recommended payment method, and deposits are made in the local currency of the bank account that you specify.
Bank transfer
For bank accounts in some countries, Google makes deposits via bank transfer in US dollars. To check if your country receives payments by bank transfer, refer to the list of countries supported for payment.
At this time, Google doesn't offer alternative payment methods for sales revenue for books on Google Play.
Payment schedule
Important: Google doesn't make payments at weekends or on bank holidays. Your bank may take up to three additional working days to register the payment in your account. To learn more about your bank's turnaround time for electronically deposited funds, contact your bank representative.
You can find Google’s obligations on how to pay your share of sales revenue in the Google Editions addendum or the Google Books and Google Play Books agreement. If your bank account is verified and you have a minimum balance, Google will initiate a payment on the 15th day of each month, or on the next working day, which varies by region. This payment is based on any financial transactions, such as sales, refunds or chargebacks, which occurred during the previous calendar month.
Minimum balance for payment
Payments made via bank transfer require a balance of at least $100 USD. Learn more about bank transfers.
The minimum balance for bank transfers varies on the currency of the payment. For payments made in US dollars, the minimum amount is $1.00 USD. Minimum amounts for other currencies are in a similar range. To check this amount, visit the Payment Centre, edit your payment profile, then check the threshold listed by the payment schedule.
If you have multiple payment profiles, you'll receive a separate payment for each profile, subject to its own minimum payment amount.
Earnings reports are generated on a monthly basis. Learn how to access and read earnings reports.
Tax information for European partners
Google's VAT number may be required for tax filing purposes.
- Google Ireland's VAT number: IE6388047V
- Google Ireland's full name and address:
Google Ireland,
Gordon House,
Barrow Street,
Dublin 4,