[UA] Create a Data Set [Legacy]

Learn how to configure a container to hold and manage your uploaded data.
You are viewing a legacy article about Universal Analytics. Learn more about Google Analytics 4 replacing Universal Analytics.

Before you can upload data to Analytics, you must create a Data Set of the appropriate type to contain and manage that data.

In this article:

Step by step

Follow these steps to define the schema and configure options that affect how imported data is joined to your Property.

  1. Sign in to Google Analytics.
  2. Click Admin, and navigate to the property to which you want to upload data.
  3. In the PROPERTY column, click Data Import. This displays the Data Sets page.
  4. Click CREATE.
  5. Select the Data Set Type. (for example, "Cost Data")
  6. Provide a name for the data source (for example, "Ad Network Data").
  7. Select one or more Views in which you want to see this data.
  8. Define the Data Set schema by selecting the Key and Target dimensions.
  9. Select the Overwrite behavior.
  10. Click Save.

Data Set essentials


Click to see an overview of Data Set terms and concepts.

A Data Set is a container that holds the data you upload to Analytics.

The Data Set type corresponds to the specific type of data you want to import. For example, there are Data Set types for User Data, Cost Data, Content Data, etc.

The schema is the structure that joins the data you upload with the existing data in your hits. Schemas consist of key and import dimensions or metrics.

The key is used to match uploaded data to existing hits. The import dimension (or metric) receives the additional data you are uploading.

The Data Set type determines the list of available dimensions and metrics.

Any custom dimensions/metrics to be used in the schema must be created before you create the Data Set.

Import behavior/Overwrite hit data controls how duplicated key values will be handled. Your options depend on the Data Set type:

Cost Data

If you import data whose keys match previously uploaded data, selecting the Summation option in the Import Behavior section adds the new data to the old. Selecting the Overwrite option replaces previous data with the new data.

Other Data Set types

If you import data that has already been joined with hit data collected by Analytics, selecting the Yes option in the Overwrite hit data section overwrites the collected data with your imported data. Selecting the No option discards the uploaded data in favor of the collected data.

Note for Management API users

Importing data via the Management API requires a unique Data Set ID (formerly called Custom Data Source ID). The Data Set ID appears as a column in the Data Sets page. You can also use the Get Custom Data Source ID (for API users) button, located on the Data Set's edit page.

Learn more about importing data via the Analytics API.

Next steps

  1. Choose your import type.
  2. Create a CSV upload file.
  3. Upload the data.

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