[UA] About Enhanced Ecommerce [Legacy]

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Shopping and purchasing behavior

The Shopping Analysis reports give you insight into shopping activity: product page views, adding and removing products from shopping carts, initiated, abandoned, and completed transactions.

Economic performance

The Overview and Product Performance reports include data for the revenue and conversion rates your products generate, how many products the average transaction includes, the average order value, refunds you had to issue, and the rates at which users add products to their carts and make purchases after having viewed product-detail pages.

A basic implementation of Enhanced Ecommerce tagging gives you data for individual products, but you can easily add the category and brand properties so you can evaluate data from those perspectives, as well. These properties take string values, so you can create any category and brand taxonomy that’s relevant to your business.

Merchandising success

In addition to measuring product performance, you also need to measure the internal and external marketing efforts that support those products.

The Affiliate Code report lets you track revenue, transactions, and average order value as they are associated with affiliate sites that drive customers to your site.

You can track those same metrics for order-level coupons in the Order Coupon report.

The Product Coupon report lets you see how effective product-level coupons are in terms of revenue, unique purchases, and product revenue per purchase.

If you’re using internal promotions, for example internal banners that promote sales on another part of your site, you can track views, clicks, and the click-through rate for those promotions in the Internal Promotion report.

Product Attribution

In Enhanced Ecommerce, the Product List Performance report includes useful Product Attribution data. The report includes a "last action" attribute that gives product-level credit to the last Product List that the user interacted with prior to the conversion event (e.g., add to cart, checkout, or purchase).

Product Attribution data helps you understand which Product Lists are driving conversions and allows you to optimize your merchandising efforts and drive sales. For example, you can now understand whether users are purchasing a product as a result of clicking on a merchandising block, category page, or on the search results page.

To get started with Product Attribution, make sure to specify the list attribute on your ecommerce action data. This list field will be used to then attribute Product Adds To Cart, Product Checkouts, Unique Purchases, and Product Revenue in the Product List Performance report accordingly.

Getting ecommerce data from your site to Analytics

To see this data in your reports, you need to:

Optionally, you can:

Note: for older analytics.js deployments, use the ec.js plugin to tag your site.

Analytics has partnered with Ecommerce platform providers to provide pre-built integrations for our joint customers. If you use one of these platforms, you can take advantage of Enhanced Ecommerce by installing one of these integrations. Visit the partner gallery to learn more about our Enhanced Ecommerce featured partners.

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