
[GA4] Display & Video 360 report

The Display & Video 360 report is a pre-made detail report that shows how effective your DV360 campaigns were at driving traffic and conversions to your website or app. You can access the report when you successfully link your Display & Video 360 (DV360) advertiser to your property.

Looking for cost data? To view campaign cost data, go to the Display & Video 360 performance report in the Advertising section.

View the report

To view the report, click View Display & Video 360 campaigns in the Acquisition overview report in the Life cycle collection.

If you unlink your DV360 advertiser from your property, you can still access the report so you can view historical data about your campaigns.

If you don't see the report, the report may have been removed or the report isn't included in your default set of reports. If you're an editor or administrator, you can add the report to the left navigation. Learn how to add the report

Attribution settings

The Display & Video 360 report includes only sessions attributed to DV360 using a non-direct cross-channel last click attribution model. All events and conversions that happen in a given session are attributed to the same source for that session, based on the attribution for the session_start event. The attribution model can't be changed using the Attribution Settings.

The report excludes traffic when the Session DV360 advertiser ID is (not set) or an empty string.

The conversion window in Attribution Settings indicates how far back in time an event is eligible for attribution credit. You can change the attribution settings to change how far back you want to which you want to assign credit.

How to use the report

You can use the DV360 report to:

  • Assess the performance of your DV360 campaigns, such as traffic, conversions, and revenue generated by each campaign.
  • Determine which advertising exchanges and channels are delivering the best results.
  • Identify which ad creatives are performing well compared to those that need optimization or replacement.
  • Monitor the performance of individual ad placements within insertion orders.
  • Monitor the success of different insertion orders so you can adjust budgets and strategies where necessary.

Dimensions in the report

You can choose from the following session-scoped DV360-specific dimensions as primary and secondary dimensions.

You will notice that each dimension includes the text "Session". The report is session-scoped. "Session" indicates that the dimension describes a user's most recent session, regardless of whether they are new or returning. Learn more about scopes

Dimension What it is How it's populated
Session DV360 advertiser ID Shows the unique identifier assigned to the advertiser or brand that manages campaigns in DV360, which was associated with a user's session. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Display & Video 360 (DV360) advertiser to your property.
Session DV360 advertiser name Shows the name or title of an organization that manages campaigns in DV360, which was associated with a user's session. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Display & Video 360 (DV360) advertiser to your property.
Session DV360 campaign ID Shows the unique identifier assigned to the campaign in DV360, which was associated with a user's session. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Display & Video 360 (DV360) advertiser to your property.
Session DV360 campaign name Shows the name or title of the campaign in DV360, which was associated with a user's session. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Display & Video 360 (DV360) advertiser to your property.
Session DV360 creative format Shows the creative format of the campaign in DV360, which was associated with a user's session. The creative format is the specific layout or design of the advertisement used in a campaign, dictating how the advertisement will appear on a website or app. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Display & Video 360 (DV360) advertiser to your property.
Session DV360 creative ID Shows the creative ID of the campaign in DV360, which was associated with a user's session. The creative ID is a unique identifier assigned to each ad creative in DV360. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Display & Video 360 (DV360) advertiser to your property.
Session DV360 creative name Shows the creative name or title of the campaign in DV360, which was associated with a user's session. The creative name is a unique name that you defined for each ad creative in DV360. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Display & Video 360 (DV360) advertiser to your property.
Session DV360 exchange ID Shows the identifier of the advertising exchange or marketplace where ad inventory is bought and sold, which was associated with a user's session. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Display & Video 360 (DV360) advertiser to your property.
Session DV360 exchange name Shows the name of the advertising exchange or marketplace where ad inventory is bought and sold, which was associated with a user's session. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Display & Video 360 (DV360) advertiser to your property.
Session DV360 insertion order ID Shows the insertion order ID of each insertion order, which was associated with a user's session. The insertion order is used to manage the delivery of specific campaigns. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Display & Video 360 (DV360) advertiser to your property.
Session DV360 insertion order name Shows the insertion order name of each insertion order, which was associated with a user's session. The insertion order is used to manage the delivery of specific campaigns. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Display & Video 360 (DV360) advertiser to your property.
Session DV360 line item ID Shows the unique identifier assigned to each line item or ad placement with an insertion order, which was associated with a user's session. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Display & Video 360 (DV360) advertiser to your property.
Session DV360 line item name Shows the unique name assigned to each line item or ad placement with an insertion order, which was associated with a user's session. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Display & Video 360 (DV360) advertiser to your property.
Session DV360 medium Shows the category of advertising channel or platform used to deliver a campaign, which was associated with a user's session. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Display & Video 360 (DV360) advertiser to your property.
Session DV360 source Shows the provider of data, which was associated with a user's session. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Display & Video 360 (DV360) advertiser to your property.
Session DV360 source / medium Shows the category of advertising channel or platform used to deliver a campaign and the provider of data, which was associated with a user's session. The dimension appears in the report when you successfully link your Display & Video 360 (DV360) advertiser to your property.

Metrics in the report

The report includes the following metrics. If you are an Editor or Administrator, you can add or remove metrics in the report.

Metric What it is How it's populated
Average engagement time per session The average engagement time per session. This metric is populated automatically.
Conversions The number of times users triggered a conversion event. Populate this metric by marking an event as a conversion.
Engaged sessions The number of sessions that lasted 10 seconds or longer, or had 1 or more conversion events or 2 or more page or screen views. This metric is populated automatically.
Engaged sessions per user The average number of engaged sessions per user. This metric is populated automatically.
Engagement rate

The percentage of sessions that were engaged sessions. Learn more

Engagement rate = engaged sessions / total sessions

Engagement rate is the inverse of bounce rate.

This metric is populated automatically.
Event count The number of times users triggered an event. This metric is populated automatically.
Events per session The average number of events per session. This metric is populated automatically.

The number of sessions that began on your website or application.

A session is a period of time during which a user interacts with your website or app.

A session initiates when a user either:

  • Opens your app in the foreground
  • Views a page or screen and no session is currently active (e.g. their previous session has timed out)

By default, a session ends (times out) after 30 minutes of user inactivity. There is no limit to how long a session can last.

Learn more about sessions

This metric is populated automatically.
Total revenue The total revenue from purchases, in-app purchases, subscriptions, and ad revenue.

This metric is the sum of the purchase, in_app_purchase, app_store_subscription_renew, and app_store_subscription_convert events, as well as ad revenue, which is populated via the Google AdMob integration, Google Ad Manager integration, or by sending the ad_impression event from a third-party integration.

Important: When setting up the purchase event, make sure you provide values for both the value and currency parameters. Otherwise, you won't see purchase data for the Total revenue metric.

The number of distinct users who visited your website or application. A user is any user who has an engaged session or when Analytics collects:

This metric is populated automatically.

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