
[GA4] Promotions report

The Promotions report is a pre-made detailed report that shows the impact of each promotion on purchases and revenue.

A promotion is a way of encouraging users to buy a product or service through an incentive. Examples of incentives include discounts on products, services, or shipping. Promotions are often advertised on a website's home page or in product catalogs.

The data in the report comes from ecommerce events.

Learn how your ecommerce business is performing in the monetization reports in Google Analytics 4

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View the report

  1. Sign in to Google Analytics.
  2. In Reports Reports, under Life cycle, click Monetization > Promotions.
    If you have the Drive online sales topic, under the Business objectives collection, click Drive online sales > Promotions.
Note: If you don't see the report, the report may have been removed, or the report isn't included in your default set of reports. If you're an editor or administrator, you can add the report to the left navigation. Learn How to add the report.

Dimensions in the report

The report includes the following dimensions. If you are an Editor or Administrator, you can add or remove dimensions in the report.

Dimension What it is How it's populated
Item promotion creative name The name you specify for the creative associated with a promotion. Populate this dimension by sending the item-level creative_name parameter with the view_promotion or select_promotion event.
Item promotion ID The ID you specify for a promotion. Populate this dimension by sending the item-level promotion_id parameter with the view_promotion or select_promotion event.
Item promotion name The name you specify for a promotion. Populate this dimension by sending the item-level promotion_name parameter with the view_promotion or select_promotion event.
Item list position The position of an item, such as a product you sell, in a list. Populate this dimension by sending the item-level index parameter through an online-sales event.

Metrics in the report

The report includes the following metrics. If you are an Editor or Administrator, you can add or remove metrics in the report.

Metric What it is How it's populated
Item promotion click through rate The number of users who selected a promotion divided by the number of users who viewed the same promotion. Populate this metric by sending an items array with the select_promotion and view_promotion events.
Item revenue

The total revenue from items only, excluding tax and shipping.

Item revenue = price x quantity

  • Price is the price parameter for an item in the items array
  • Quantity is the quantity parameter for an item in the items array
Populate this metric by sending the quantity and price parameters for an item in the items array.
Items added to cart The number of items that were added to cart. Populate this metric by sending an items array with the add_to_cart event.
Items checked out The number of items that were in the cart during checkout. Populate this metric by sending an items array with the begin_checkout event.
Items clicked in promotion The number of items clicked in a promotion. Populate this metric by sending an items array with the select_promotion event.
Items purchased The number of items purchased. Populate this metric by sending an items array with the purchase event.
Items viewed in promotion The number of items viewed in a promotion. Populate this metric by sending an items array with the view_promotion event.

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