[GA4] Audiences for common marketing objectives

[GA4] Set up a recent purchasers audience

Follow these instructions to create an audience of users who have completed a purchase on your website or app in the last 7 days.

You can use this audience to exclude recent purchasers from your ad campaigns.

Watch a short video (1:23) to see how to to create a recent purchasers audience in Google Analytics.


Set up a recent purchasers audience

For subtitles in your language, turn on YouTube captions. Select the settings icon Image of YouTube settings icon at the bottom of the video player, then select "Subtitles/CC" and choose your language.

Before you begin

To create the audience you need to set up a purchase or ecommerce_purchase event for your website or app, and/or have the in_app_purchase automatically collected event for your app.

Create the audience

  1. In Admin, under Data display, click Audiences.
    Note: The previous link opens to the last Analytics property you accessed. You can change the property using the property selector. You must be a Marketer or above  at the property level to create audiences.
  2. Click New audience.
  3. Under Use a reference, go to General and select Purchasers.

  4. Next to in_app_purchase go to + Add parameter > Other > Event count.
  5. Click the Time period toggle to ON.
  6. Under Time period enter 7 Days and select Most recent time period.

  7. Click Apply.
  8. Repeat steps 4-6 for purchase and ecommerce_purchase so that each purchase type is limited to the last 7-day period.
  9. Set the Membership duration to 7 days.

  10. Rename your audience and change your description to something you'll find memorable. Click Save.

  11. Your new audience appears at the top of the management table.

Use the audience in Google Ads

To use the audience in Google Ads you need to:

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