As an editor or administrator, you can customize a detail report to change the data shown in the report. Each Google Analytics property can have up to 150 custom reports. If you want to customize an overview report, see Customize overview reports and "Reports snapshot".
Customization options
You can add or remove dimensions in the dimension picker on the top left of the table in a detail report. If you add more than one dimension, anyone using the report can select the picker to choose from the dimensions you set. You can also set any dimension as the default dimension when someone opens the report.
- When viewing a detail report, click
in the top right. If you do not see the option, you don't have permission to customize the detail report.
- Under the 'REPORT DATA' header, select Dimensions. If you see a 'CARDS' header on the right instead of a 'REPORT DATA' header, you are looking at an overview report, not a detail report. Make sure you are viewing a detail report.
- Under the 'PRIMARY DIMENSIONS' header, you can manage the dimensions drop-down.
- Click Add dimension to add a dimension. You can enter the name of a dimension or scroll through the drop-down to select a dimension. You may need to scroll down the 'Dimensions' dialog on the right to see the Add dimension drop-down.
- Drag dimensions
in the list to reorder the dimensions in the drop-down.
- Click
> Remove to remove a dimension from the drop-down.
- Click
> Set as default to set a dimension as the default dimension. The default dimension appears in the drop-down when someone opens the report.
- Click Apply to apply the changes.
- Click Save > Save changes to current report to save the changes to the report.
You can add or remove metrics in the table header of a detail report. You can add up to 12 metrics to a detail report. You can also set the metric that's used by default to sort the entire table in the detail report.
- When viewing a detail report, click
in the top right. If you do not see the option, you don't have permission to customize the detail report.
- Under the 'REPORT DATA' header, select Metrics. If you see a 'CARDS' header on the right instead of a 'REPORT DATA' header, you are looking at an overview report, not a detail report. Make sure you are viewing a detail report.
- Under the 'PRIMARY DIMENSIONS' header, you can manage the metrics in the table header.
- Click Add metric to add a metric. You can enter the name of a metric or scroll through the drop-down to select a metric. You may need to scroll down the 'Metrics' dialog on the right to see the Add metric drop-down.
- Drag metrics
in the list to reorder the metrics in the table header.
- Click
to remove a metric from the table header.
- Click
to sort the entire table by the chosen metric by default. The people who use the report can temporarily change the default metric used for sorting to complete their analysis.
- Click Apply to apply the changes.
- Click Save > Save changes to current report to save the changes to the report.
You can save a report filter to a detail report. Report filters let you focus on a specific subset of the data in your detail report.
When you add a report filter to a detail report, the report filter appears below the report header. Anyone can hover over the report filter to see its definition or remove the report filter to see all the data in the detail report. If a user removes the report filter, the report filter will be added back to the report when they leave.
- When viewing a detail report, click
in the top right. If you do not see the option, you don't have permission to customize the detail report.
- Under the 'REPORT FILTER' header, select + Add filter. If you see a 'CARDS' header on the right instead of a 'REPORT FILTER' header, you are looking at an overview report, not a detail report. Make sure you are viewing a detail report.
- Under the 'CONDITIONS' header, select a dimension. Only dimensions that have dimension values appear in the list. Google grays out a dimension if it's incompatible with other dimensions in a report.
Based on the dimension you selected, select one or more dimension values.
- (Optional) Click + Add new condition to create up to 4 more conditions. Multiple conditions are separated by an AND operator, meaning that all the conditions must be met for the filter to apply.
- Click Apply to apply the changes.
- Click Save > Save changes to current report to save the changes to the report.
You can customize the charts that appear in the first half of a detail report. You can also hide one or both of the charts from the detail report. Anyone with access to the detail report will see the charts you choose.
When viewing a detail report, click
in the top right. If you do not see the option, you don't have permission to customize the detail report.
- Under the 'CHARTS' header, you can manage the two charts in the report. If you see a 'CARDS' header on the right instead of a 'CHARTS' header, you are looking at an overview report, not a detail report. Make sure you are viewing a detail report.
- Change the chart type by clicking
to the right of the chart.
- Hide a chart by clicking
- Change the order in the report by dragging and dropping the charts
in the list.
- Change the chart type by clicking
- Click Apply to apply the changes.
- Click Save > Save changes to current report to save the changes to the report.
A report that is based on a report template will automatically receive updates when Google changes the report template. For example, if Google adds a dimension to the User acquisition report, the dimensions will appear in all linked User acquisition reports.
Changes made to the report will not be impacted. For example, the dimensions, metrics, and charts you add or remove aren't impacted.
Unlink a report
If you don't want a report to receive updates, you can unlink it. Reports that you create from scratch are unlinked by default. Unlinked objects cannot be linked in the future.
When viewing a detail report, click
in the top right. If you do not see the option, you don't have permission to customize the detail report.
- Under the 'REPORT TEMPLATE' header, you can manage the two charts in the report. If you see a 'CARDS' header on the right instead of a 'REPORT TEMPLATE' header, you are looking at an overview report, not a detail report. Make sure you are viewing a detail report.
- Click Unlink from template.
- Click Apply to apply the changes.
- Click Save > Save changes to current report to save the changes to the report.
- On the left, click Reports.
- Click Library (at the bottom left). If you don't see Library, you don't have permission.
- Scroll to the Reports section.
- Hover over a detail report in the table and click More [
] > Delete.