Business information requirements

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Important: Note that business information assets are not guaranteed to serve, even if the account has successfully completed advertiser verification. This could mean that some or none of your ads are serving business information assets. This is generally done to protect users. While there is no way to change the serving status of your business information assets, Google will automatically review and update advertisers’ eligibility. We recommend periodically checking your Google Ads account to see if you are getting more impressions on these assets.

Business information allows you to complement your existing desktop and mobile text ads with business assets like business name and business logo. These assets can help advertisers better connect with new and existing customers by leveraging brand equity. Learn more About business information.

Disclaimer: By providing your own assets, you confirm and acknowledge that You (the advertiser) own all legal rights to publish the shared business name and business logo.

To ensure that we provide a high-quality consumer ad experience, business information assets must comply with all Google Ads, Trademark and Copyright policies. In addition, these assets are also subject to the following requirements.

Business name requirements

Your business name must exactly match either the domain name or legal name verified via the advertiser verification programme. If your business name doesn’t exactly match either the domain name or legal name verified via advertiser verification, the asset won’t be approved.

To check the legal name verified during advertiser verification:

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Billing icon Billing icon.
  2. In the drop-down menu, click Advertiser verification.

Business name specifications

Specification Requirement
Character length
  • Maximum: 25 characters
  • Language support: All
Business name

The business name must strictly match either the domain name or legal name submitted during advertiser verification.

If you want to use an alternative business name and also own an active trademark registration for that name, you may complete the brand verification process for business information. This process supports the following scenarios:

  • The business name represents a sub-domain of your advertiser verified/legal domain.
  • You own different business names for various lines of business.
Learn more about brand verification for business information.

In addition to the business name requirements and specifications above, the following is not allowed:

Business name not relevant

red x mark Using any business name other than the domain name or the legal name of the advertiser

Issue description Example domain name Allowed Not allowed
Business name not relevant



Name prominence

red x mark Advertiser’s business name not clearly present on the landing page of the ad

Issue description Example domain name Allowed Not allowed
Business name prominence

Name on landing page: Google

Name on landing page: Example

Business logo requirements

Your business logo should match your advertised business and be consistent with your domain name or legal name verified via the advertiser verification programme.

Business logo specifications

Specification Requirement
Aspect ratio Square (1x1)
Compatibility Logo must be compatible with both light and dark mode.
File formats
  • PNG
  • JPG
File size
  • Maximum: 5120 KB
Image resolution
  • Recommended: 1200 x 1200
  • Minimum: 128 x 128

Logo should match the advertised business and should be consistent for a given domain name.

If you want to use an alternative logo and also own an active trademark registration for that logo, you can complete the brand verification process for business information. This process supports the following scenarios:

  • The logo represents a sub-domain of your advertiser verified/legal domain
  • You own different logos for various lines of business
Learn more about brand verification for business information.
Recommended image safe area Important content should be placed in the centre and make up 80% of the image.

Google will render your business logo in a circular shape by default. Bear the following points in mind to optimise your business logo quality:

  • Ensure that you follow the logo specifications above to avoid issues with portions of your logo being cut off or obscured when rendered as a circle.
  • Sometimes dynamic business logos will serve as a square or with a grey background. If you want to ensure that your logo always serves as a circle, we recommend uploading a version of your logo that’s already formatted as a circle.
This icon represents the original asset for a business logo. This icon represents the rendered circle asset for a business logo.
Original asset Rendered circular asset (default)

In addition to the business logo requirements and specifications above, the following is not allowed:

Logo not relevant

red x mark Logo not matching or representing the business name or advertised business

red x mark Multiple logos uploaded for the same business name or advertised business

Issue description Business name Allowed Not allowed
Multiple logos uploaded for the same business name or advertised business

An example of a logo that is irrelevant to its website.

An example of a logo that is irrelevant to its website.An example of a logo that is correctly rendered.

Logo prominence

red x mark Advertiser’s business logo isn't clearly present on the landing page of the ad

Issue description Example landing page Allowed Not allowed
Advertiser’s business logo not clearly present on the landing page of the ad

An example of a logo that is irrelevant to its website.

Prohibited content

red x mark Images with nudity, including nudity used for artistic purposes

red x mark Sexually suggestive images

Issue description Allowed Not allowed
  • Images with nudity, including nudity used for artistic purposes
  • Sexually suggestive images

An example of a logo that doesn't feature prohibited content.

An example of a logo that features prohibited content.

Badly cropped

red x mark Cropping of a logo that results in an inaccurate or confusing representation of the company

Issue description Allowed Not allowed
Cropping of a logo that results in an inaccurate or confusing representation of the company

An example of a logo that is correctly cropped.

An example of a logo that is poorly cropped.


red x mark Logo is too blurred, out of focus or too small to be legible

Issue description Allowed Not allowed
Logo too blurred or out of focus

An example of a logo that is not blurry.

An example of a logo that is blurry.

Logo too small to be legible An example of a logo with legible text size. An example of a logo with illegible text size.
Text in logo is too small to be legible An illustration of an acceptable logo in Google Ads. An illustration of an unacceptable logo in Google Ads.

Blank space

red x mark Logo consists of a single block of colour or otherwise have no distinguishable features or characteristics

Issue description Allowed Not allowed
Logo consists of a single block of colour or otherwise has no distinguishable features or characteristics   An example of a logo that has an allowed amount of blank space.  


red x mark Colour inverted: Colour does not match original logo on website

red x mark Upside down: Logo is flipped from original position

red x mark Out of shape, Skewed, Distorted, Morphed: Logo is morphed compared to the original logo on page

Issue description Allowed Not allowed

An example of a logo that displays the correct colours.

An example of a logo that displays inverted colours.

Upside down

An example of a logo that is in the correct orientation.

An example of a logo that is upside down.

Out of shape, Skewed, Distorted, Morphed

An example of a logo that is correctly rendered.

An example of a logo that is skewed or distorted.

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