
Please make sure to visit Your AdSense Page where you can find personalized information about your account to help you succeed with AdSense.

Account settings

Your AdSense account was deactivated for being inactive

AdSense accounts are deactivated if they haven't generated any ad impressions for six months. If your account was deactivated and you want to serve ads again, you can reactivate your account.

Note: If you no longer need your account, you can close your AdSense account. To receive a final payment from AdSense, you must first close your account.
YouTube content creators

To use your existing AdSense account for the YouTube Partner Program or to receive a payment from YouTube, associate your existing account to your channel.

How to reactivate your account

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. Click Reactivate account.
  3. Verify your phone number.
  4. Either resubmit an existing site for approval or add a new site.
    Note: If you haven't previously verified your address by PIN, you will be asked to verify your address before receiving your payments.

When your account is active again, make sure you set up ads on your site so you start generating impressions.

Account deactivation process

  • After five months of inactivity

    You receive an email to let you know that your account will be deactivated unless your account generates impressions in the next 30 days. If you don't want your account to be deactivated, set up ads on your site to ensure your account generates impressions in the next 30 days.

    Note: If you're eligible for the YouTube Partner Program, you can associate your existing account to an eligible channel and generate ad views in the next 30 days in order to not be deactivated.
  • After six months of inactivity

    Your account is deactivated.

  • After 7 years of inactivity

    You can no longer access or reactivate your account.


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