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Use your app overview dashboard

Review the earnings, users, and performance for a specific app  #appoverview #dashboard

Overview of AdMob dashboards

Dashboards in AdMob provide you with a day-to-day overview of the activity in your account. They include all of the most important information about your apps and campaigns, in one place, organized into cards of data. The dashboards can show you trends in app revenue and usage and give you insights into your overall success using AdMob. Reviewing your dashboards each day can help you identify which strategies are working for your apps and users and which areas may need attention. They’re a good way to measure the overall health of your account.

There are two types of dashboards in AdMob: the home dashboard and the app overview dashboard.

Note: Dashboards aren’t meant to be a replacement for reports. Instead, they’re an extra way to view information about your account. For more in-depth data, click the links on the individual cards in your dashboards to view the related reports. 

Your AdMob app overview dashboard

The app overview dashboard can be used to learn more about a specific app in your AdMob account. To view your app overview dashboard, click Apps in the sidebar. Select the name of your app, then click App overview in the sidebar. 

Total estimated earnings
The Total estimated earnings card provides an overview of your overall earnings for ads served from all ad sources. This card provides earnings calculations for a range of time periods compared side by side:
  • Today so far
  • Yesterday
  • This month so far
  • Last month
Estimated total revenue

The Estimated total revenue card gives you an overview of the estimated revenue the selected app has earned for the selected date range through various channels. Estimated revenue data may be obtained from multiple sources, including Google Analytics for Firebase and AdMob mediation. 

Each wide bar in the graph illustrates data for the currently selected date range, while the thinner bars shaded with diagonal lines provide a period-over-period comparison for each revenue channel. You can hover your mouse over any of the bars to learn more about their values.

Revenue channels found in this card

  • Google (Google Ads, Display & Video 360) and third-party ad sources: Your estimated earnings from all ad sources targeting the selected app.
  • In-app purchase: Your estimated revenue from in-app-purchases in the selected app, provided by Google Analytics for Firebase. Example: extra items, lives, or gold
  • eCommerce: Your estimated eCommerce revenue in the selected app, provided by Google Analytics for Firebase. Example: goods ordered for real-world delivery
User metrics

The User metrics card can be used to understand aggregated user behavior in the selected app. Estimated revenue data may be obtained from multiple sources, including Google Analytics for Firebase and AdMob Mediation. The line graph beside each metric gives you a snapshot of how the value has changed over time. 

Metrics found in this card

  • Sessions / AU: The average number of sessions per active user (AU). A session is counted when the app is in the foreground of the device. The session ends when the app is moved to the background or after 30 minutes of user inactivity.
  • Avg. session duration: Total engagement over the selected date range divided by the number of sessions.
  • Ad exposure / session: Total ad exposure time over the selected date range divided by the total engagement over the selected date range.
  • Active users (AU):  The number of unique users who have opened the app. Active users is sometimes known as DAU (daily active users) when aggregated by date.
  • ARPU: Average revenue per user (ARPU). Estimated revenue data includes revenue from in-app purchases, e-commerce, subscription, and ads. 
  • ARPPU: Average revenue per paying user (ARPPU) is the total purchase revenue per active user that logged a purchase event. Estimated revenue data includes revenue from in-app purchases, e-commerce, subscription, and ads. 
  • Retention: The percentage of users who installed the selected app at the beginning of the selected date range and visited your app at the end of the selected date range.

Data consistency between AdMob & Firebase

Although AdMob is the direct source of ads performance and revenue metrics shown in the user metrics card in the home dashboard and Google Analytics for Firebase, there may still be discrepancies. These discrepancies may be caused by a few different reasons:

  • Users running previous versions of your app: If some users are running versions of your app that use AdMob, but don't use Google Analytics for Firebase (or if you’re using versions of the Mobile Ads or Analytics SDKs which pre-date the integration between the two products), then AdMob will be aware of some impressions, clicks, and revenue that are unknown to Google Analytics for Firebase.
  • Difference in reporting time zone: If your reporting time zone in AdMob isn't aligned with the reporting time zone in Google Analytics for Firebase, the metrics for some calendar days may not match. Ensure your AdMob time zone matches the time zone in your Firebase account for maximum reporting consistency. Your AdMob reporting time zone can be updated by changing your AdSense account time zone.
  • Differences in data collection & processing: Google Analytics for Firebase data is collected and processed at slightly different times and using a different strategy than AdMob. Because of this, your user metrics may differ.
  • Mediated revenue: Although the Impressions, Clicks, and Ad exposure metrics shown in Google Analytics for Firebase account for mediated ads, the Estimated Revenue metric shown in Google Analytics for Firebase only takes AdMob Network ads into account.
Ads activity performance


The Ads activity performance card gives you an overview of the estimated earnings and traffic your ad units have generated. The line graph beside each metric gives you a snapshot of how the value has changed over time. 

Metrics found in this card

  • Estimated earnings: Your earnings accrued so far. This amount is an estimate that is subject to change when your earnings are verified for accuracy at the end of every month.
  • Requests: The total number of ad requests received from your apps.
  • Impressions: The total number of ads shown to users across all of your ad units and apps through waterfall and bidding mediation. Includes a period-over-period comparison.
  • Match rate: The percentage of ad requests that received a response from an ad source. It's calculated by dividing matched requests by requests:

    (Matched requests / Requests) * 100
  • eCPM: Effective cost per thousand impressions. An estimate of the revenue you receive for every thousand ad impressions. eCPM is calculated as (Total Earnings / Impressions) x 1000.
    Note: When optimization is enabled, this value is updated automatically by AdMob based on the ad network's historical eCPM data.

    Example calculation

    If an ad earned an estimated $180 from 45,000 ad impressions, its eCPM would equal ($180 / 45,000) * 1000, or $4.00.

  • Ads ARPU (Beta): The average revenue per user (ARPU) from ad revenue. Ads ARPU is calculated as (Estimated earnings / Active users).
    Note: This metric only includes Google Analytics integrated earnings.

Top performing ad networks

The Top performing ad networks card measures the effectiveness of your mediation setup. It can show you which ad network and ad format combinations are performing well and the average eCPM of the ads being served.

Metrics found in this card

  • Total queries: The total number of unique ad requests received by all AdMob. This number doesn't include the same request multiple times. Instead, each request is only counted once, no matter how many networks receive that request as it moves through the mediation waterfall.


    A single request made to Network A, Network B, and Network C in the mediation chain will only be counted 1 time.

  • Total impressions: The total number of ads shown to users across all of your ad units and apps through waterfall mediation and bidding. Includes a period-over-period comparison.
  • Total match rate: The percentage of ad requests that were filled with an ad. This value is calculated using Total matched requests / Total queries. Includes a period-over-period comparison.

Ad unit performance

The Ad unit performance card gives you an overview of how your ad units across all of your apps are performing based on their estimated earnings. You can use the drop-down menu to sort the data in the card to show either your top performing ad units or the ad units with the largest change in revenue over time.

Sorting options found in this card

Top performers: When you select Top performers from the drop-down menu, the card shows your top-performing ad units for the selected time period along with their estimated earnings. Includes a period-over-period comparison.

Top movers: When you select Top movers from the drop-down menu, the card shows your ad units that saw the largest positive change in estimated earnings during the selected period. Includes a period-over-period comparison.

Bottom movers: When you select Bottom movers from the drop-down menu, the card shows your ad units that saw the largest negative change in estimated earnings during the selected period. Includes a period-over-period comparison

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