You can click any ad in the Ad review center to open a detail view of that ad. In the detail view you can view a full size preview of the ad and information such as its size, type, destination URL, Google Ads account, etc.
What you can do in the detail view
1. Block an ad
If you don't like the ad you're viewing, click Block ad to block it. From here, you can also access these additional actions:
- To block and report the ad for violating 1 or more Google Ads policies: Click More
Block and report ad.
- To find similar ads: Click More
Find similar ads by, then select an option.
- To mark the ad as reviewed: Click More
Mark as reviewed.
- To copy the ad's URL: Click More
Copy URL to share ad.
2. Show or hide ad info
- To show or hide ad details such as metadata, metrics, advertiser info, and ad categories, in the top-right corner, click
Clickto show the details again.
- To expand or collapse ad details, next to "Ad info", click
- To view ad details for the next or previous ad, at the bottom, click
- To close the detail view, in the top-left corner, click
3. View and manage metadata
Under "Ad info," click Metadata. Review the following sections:
Find information such as the creative ID, ad type, ad size, file size, destination URL, and so on. You can also:- Block an advertiser's URL: Under "Destination URL," hover over a URL and click Block.
To view the advertiser URLs you’ve blocked, visit Block ads by advertiser URLs. - Add or edit labels: Under "Labels," click Add labels to assign a label to this creative. Adding labels can help your team filter and find creatives with the associated label.
- To update your labels, click Edit labels. When editing labels, click Manage label to rename, remove, or delete the label. Deleted labels are removed from all associated creatives.
- Add a comment: Under "Comment," click Add comment and enter a comment. Unlike labels, your comments aren’t searchable or filterable. You might add them for later reference.
View performance-related information such as revenue, click-through rate (CTR) and impressions.
- Revenue shows you the daily revenue generated by an ad over the past 30 days. This chart offers valuable insights into an ad's performance, enabling you to understand the revenue it has accrued over the past 30 days.
- Click-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of impressions that led to a click. This chart helps give you insight into an ad’s performance, but may not be the final figure reflected in your reporting.
- Impressions show you the number of impressions per day an ad has had over the past 30 days. You can use the chart to check if an ad has served recently, or if an ad has stopped serving altogether. Note that an ad that hasn't served recently could still show again (unless it's been blocked), but it's less likely the longer the ad doesn't show.
View information about the Google Ads account that owns the ad.
To block all ads from the Google Ads account, click Block account. All ads from the Google Ads account will now always be blocked. This applies to all targeting types.
View video-related information such as duration, frame rate, bits per second, and so on.This section only appears for video ads.
View audio-related information such as codec, sample, bitrate, and so on.This section only appears for audio ads.
View information about the ad categories the ad belongs to. Learn more about blocking general ad categories and sensitive ad categories in AdMob.
Why do ads blocked by category still appear in the Ad review center?
When you block an ad by category, you may still find that ad awaiting review in the Ad review center. This is because in the Ad review centre we show all ads that have received at least a small number of impressions in the last 30 days.
Why do ads blocked by category still have impressions in the Ad review center even after they've been blocked?
When you block an ad by category, you may still find that ad is having impressions even after it's been blocked. This can occur due to the following factors:
- Blocking delays: There may be a delay of up to 24 hours between the time you block an ad by category and the time that ad is no longer eligible to run on your app or site.
- Creative reclassification: In some cases, the ad might have been reclassified into a blocked category after you've already blocked that ad category.
- Extra large: >2.5 MB
- Large: 700 KB–2.5 MB
- Medium: 75 KB–700 KB
- Small: <75 KB
4. View related ads
Click Related ads to review similar ads that you may want to block. A selection of related ads are shown by default, but you can click View all to view all related ads.