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Available user message types

These types of user messages can be created in Privacy & messaging. This list will be expanded to include other message types in future updates.

Message type Affected When to use
European regulations App users in the EEA, the UK, and Switzerland

Gather consent for European regulations

IDFA explainer iOS users Ask iOS users to opt in to allow use of IDFA

Ads personalization controls (Beta) 

App users outside areas affected by privacy legislation (such as GDPR or CPRA) Allow users to opt in or out of ads personalization

Other settings:

  • LGPD: You can't create LGPD messages in Privacy & messaging. Click LGPD on the Privacy & messaging tab to learn about Google's approach to LGPD.
  • US state regulations: You can't create US state regulations messages in Privacy & messaging for apps. You can click US state regulations on the Privacy & messaging tab to manage the settings for ad requests originating in US states subject to state-specific privacy laws.

Which message your users will see

On app start

When requestConsentInfoUpdate is called upon opening the app, your users will see a message depending on your messaging configuration and implicit request parameters (for example, user device, region, or the user’s device type).

  • If you aren't using Privacy & messaging to gather consent for European regulations but are using it for IDFA, your users will always see the IDFA explainer message immediately before the iOS ATT alert.
  • If you are using Privacy & messaging to gather consent for European regulations and IDFA, the following scenarios will occur:
If a user... ...they see this immediately before the iOS ATT alert:
Is not in the EEA The IDFA explainer message
Is in the EEA and previously consented to European regulations The IDFA explainer message
Is in the EEA and has not yet made a European regulations consent decision The European regulations message
If you configured "Everywhere" targeting for European regulations, the European regulations message will show in all locations, not just in the EEA.

If you are not using Privacy & messaging to gather consent for IDFA or a user is not using an iOS device:

If a user... …at app start, they will see:
Is not in the EEA

No message to show since no consent needs to be gathered

Is in the EEA and previously consented to European regulations

No message to show since no consent needs to be gathered

Is in the EEA and has not yet made a European regulations consent decision The European regulations message

At privacy options entry point

Consent revocation and opt-out consent messages will be shown when showPrivacyOptionsForm is called at the privacy options entry point that you render in your app if applicable.

If a user...

…at the privacy options entry point, they will see:

Is in the EEA * The European regulations message, if in use through Privacy & messaging
Is in a regulated US state ** No message (no need to render privacy options entry point)
Does not meet any of the above criteria Ads personalization controls message, if in use through Privacy & messaging

  * Or previously made a European regulations consent decision, regardless of current location.
** Or previously made a US states consent decision, regardless of current location.

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Check out the newly launched Diversity in Gaming website, where you can find video stories and written pledges from global gaming developers. This campaign centers on 3 pillars: diverse teams, diverse games and diverse audiences showing how diversity is not just good for gamers, but for business as well. Show your support by taking the pledge to promote DEI in Gaming and share it on social!

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