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Create a European regulations message for apps

After you add your apps to AdMob, complete the following steps to create the European regulations message you want to display to the eligible EEA (European Economic Area), UK (United Kingdom) and Swiss users of your app.
Ensure you've added the Google User Messaging Platform SDK to your app to enable it to gather consent.
  1. Sign in to your AdMob account at
  2. Click Privacy & messaging.
  3. Click European regulations.
  4. Click Create message. The "Edit message" page opens.
  5. Select the apps in which this message will be displayed:
    1. Click Select apps.
    2. Select the desired apps.
    3. Click Confirm
  6. Select the languages in which this message will be displayed:
    1. Default language: The message is shown in the default language when the user’s device language cannot be determined, or when the user’s device language doesn't adequately match the selected "Additional languages."
    2. Additional languages: The message can be shown to users in any of the "Additional languages" that match the user’s device language. Languages you select here should match the languages in which your app is available. You can edit the message text for each of the "Additional languages."
      If you select "Dutch" in the "Additional languages" field, a user whose device language is set to Dutch will be shown Dutch version of the European regulations message.
  7.  In the "User choices" section, make a decision for the Do not consent option. If turned on, this message presents your users with a choice to not consent to your ad partners and your ad partners’ purposes with a single click on the first page of the message.
  8. (optional) Turn on the Close (do not consent) option to add a close icon to your message. Users can click the close icon to dismiss the message and decline consent to your ad partners and their purposes.
  9. In the "Targeting" section, select one of the following options:
    • Countries subject to GDPR (EEA and UK): Display the European regulations message to app visitors in the EEA, the UK, and Switzerland.
    • Everywhere: Display the European regulations message to all app visitors.
  10. In the "Message name" field, enter a descriptive message name that will help you identify the message later. The name is shown only in the Privacy & messaging page and won't be visible to users.
  11. (Optional) Edit and format the message to match your app's editorial and visual standards.
    If the message will be shown in more than one language, review the message in all of the selected languages before publishing.
  12. Add a privacy policy URL.
  13. Click Save draft.
  14. When you’re ready, publish the message.

European regulations message FAQs

Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about European regulations messages.

What TCF version does the Google UMP SDK support?

The Google UMP SDK is IAB-certified for TCF v2.2 across all SDK versions.

What happens if I implement the Google UMP SDK and users do not consent?

Limited ads serving applies if there is no consent for IAB TCF Purpose 1 in accordance with the EU user consent policy.

How can I report on TCF errors?

You can use Error reports in the AdMob UI to troubleshoot TCF implementations.

What is the ad serving behavior for a user who sees the consent message in the EEA and UK, and then travels outside the EEA and UK?

The Google Mobile Ads SDK respects the user’s consent decision to apply the appropriate ad serving mode even once they leave the EEA and UK.

How does AC String version 2 impact waterfall mediation for EEA and UK traffic?

Google checks that ad technology providers and other programmatic demand sources don’t violate Google policy and have at least one legal basis for processing data prior to including them in the mediation waterfall.
Changes for Additional Consent v2 include an update to support vendors disclosed in the CMP. Disclosed vendors are eligible to participate in the mediation waterfall.

Does the GDPR consent message populate the user’s previous selection?

The GDPR consent message visually displays the default consent choices and selections every time the message is displayed. However, the user’s consent choices are saved to local storage after the user makes a consent decision.

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