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Add a Studio creative to a line item

Google Ad Manager and Studio

Studio allows you or an advertiser to manage rich media creatives . These creatives can be shared or pushed to your Ad Manager network, where they can then be added to line items. Your Google Ad Manager network may not be able integrated with Studio. Talk to your Ad Manager administrator for more information.

Studio creatives are created in Studio and automatically added to advertisers in your network. You can add Studio creatives to line items just as you would add any other existing creatives.

However, it's important to note that once a Studio creative is trafficked in Ad Manager, any changes you make to it are not automatically synced to the Ad Manager line item. Instead, you'll need to take the following steps:

  1. The revised creative needs to be pushed again from Studio to Ad Manager.
  2. After the revised creative is pushed, you'll need to navigate to the line item and mark the earlier creative as "inactive" or remove it from the line item.
  3. You then need to associate the revised creative to the line item.
Note that the optional "Override CSS" setting in Studio creatives only works for synchronous rendering.

Learn more about adding creatives to line items.

Learn more about Studio.

Stuido creatives aren't supported for Programmatic Direct
See the available features for Programmatic Direct.

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