Ad Manager video content ingestion

Mapping content metadata to inventory key-values is deprecated.

Any CMS metadata values expected to be available as Ad Manager inventory key-values (as they've been in a legacy version), are no longer possible in targeting via line items, protections, or ad rules; or in reporting.

Benefits to content ingestion with the Ad Manager

With content ingestion, you can target and filter on CMS metadata after ingestion. Dedicated targeting dimensions exist specifically for CMS metadata, differentiating them from non-video inventory key-values. Line items targeting one or more CMS metadata sources take up to 24 hours to start delivering impressions.

Content ingestion interface

Section Description of changes


View all of your content, or content based on filters in the updated content section. Metadata listed on the content details base displays as it was ingested from your CMS, rather than only the mapped metadata, as in the legacy version.

Content bundles

Create content bundles based on the exact CMS metadata that was ingested. Content can be added or excluded from bundles using rules. As new content is ingested from your CMS, bundles are automatically updated based on your rules.


All metadata is available once ingested. You cannot remove unwanted metadata in Ad Manager. CMS metadata is displayed as ingested from your CMS, and is immediately available to target and filter content.

Although disabled by default, you have the option to rename or merge outdated keys or values from your feed, directly in the Ad Manager interface. 


Rather that targeting custom key-values that were mapped from your ingested metadata, you can directly target based on your ingested CMS metadata. These targeting updates are available in line items, ad rules, and protections.


Once you've targeted metadata, it becomes available for reporting.


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