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Line items

Traffic rewarded ads for web

Use rewarded ad formats to allow users to receive rewards for viewing ads on web pages. #rewarded

Jump to: Requirements and restrictionsTraffic rewarded ads for webForecast and report on rewarded ads

Rewarded ads are also available for apps, for all publishers.

You can traffic rewarded ads on Google Ad Manager desktop, mobile, and tablet web inventory. The rewarded ad experience allows users to voluntarily opt-in to an ad experience in exchange for a reward.

Rewarded ads are supported for reservations, Preferred Deals, Open Auction, Private Auctions, and Programmatic Guaranteed. Publishers using rewarded inventory must comply with the policies for ad units that offer rewards.

Examples of a rewarded ad experience

A user agrees to watch a video ad or view a display ad to receive a reward, which could be 3 news articles, 10 gold coins, an extra life in a game, wifi access at an airport, and so forth.

Requirements and restrictions

  • Make sure the protection "Block non‑instream video ads" is disabled.
  • Rewarded ads are eligible for mobile optimized pages (for example, <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">).
  • Publishers are responsible for rendering the screen where the user chooses to view the rewarded ad, and for delivering the reward to the user. In news, this could be at your paywall (your own or a third-party paywall solution). For wifi access, this could be your splash "wifi connection" page.
  • Ad Manager prefetches the video ad content, and renders the ad with corresponding user controls (for example, close button and sound controls).
  • Rewarded ads for web are filled through both video and display demand by default.

If you would like your rewarded inventory filled only through video demand, you can apply to allow display demand to be blocked from targeted inventory. This ensures that only video demand serves to your rewarded inventory. Contact your account manager for details.

Rewarded ads for web user experience

  • For some demand types, rewarded ads for web automatically play with the sound on. Before the ad begins, the user is prompted to either continue to play the video with sound, or to cancel.
  • If the user chooses not to view the ad, or clicks to close the ad before completion, they are prompted to confirm that they will forfeit the reward.
  • Impressions are counted when the ad is shown. The ad must be in view for 3 seconds for a reward to be granted.
  • A completion occurs when either a video completes, a defined display time is reached, or when the skip threshold is reached (for TrueView ads).
  • Rewarded ads for web persist upon completion and must be closed by the user.

Set up and traffic rewarded ads for web in Ad Manager

When you create an ad unit or create a line item for rewarded ads for web, note these settings:

Ad units

  • Size: Ad unit sizes do not impact ad serving for rewarded ads for web.
  • Reward: While Ad Manager defaults to "1 reward" for viewing an ad, you can click to override. For example, to reward 20 lives in a game, enter a "Reward amount" of "20" and a "Reward type" of "lives". 

Line items

  • Inventory sizes: For reservations line items, select the Video or audio ad type and enter an expected creative size of 1x1v (Video / VAST). For Ad Exchange line items, select the Display (Standard) ad type and enter an expected creative size of 1x1 (Custom).
  • Type: For reservations, set type according to priority. For Ad Exchange, use the Ad Exchange line item type.

Rewarded ads for web use GPT code to provide a similar experience to rewarded ads for apps.

Server-side verification is an app only feature and it is unavailable for web use.
See sample code, event descriptions, and rewarded web API

The sample below demonstrates the following:

  • There are 3 events to listen to:
    • rewardedSlotReady is triggered when the rewarded ad is available and can be shown to the user.
    • rewardedSlotGranted is triggered when the user is granted the reward. Because some demand grants the reward before the ad finishes, you need to listen to rewardedSlotGranted to accurately determine this event.
    • rewardedSlotClosed is triggered when the user clicks the close button, whether or not a reward was granted.
  • To present the reward, your code needs to call evt.makeRewardedVisible().
  1. GPT creates an ins element at the bottom of the body element, at the end of the document, to reduce the probability of z-index collusion. The creative is rendered within the frame and ins is set to display:none.
  2. When evt.makeRewardedVisible() is called (returns true if successful), ins is made visible and full screen.
  3. Once completed, GPT destroys the ins element and calls destroySlots on the slot.

Sample GPT code

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
         Rewarded slot test page

      <script src="//www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js"></script>

       googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []};

       googletag.cmd.push(() => {

       const rewardedSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot(




       function(evt) {

         if (confirm('want to see a rewarded ad?')) {


         } else {




       function(evt) {

         alert('granted! ' + JSON.stringify(evt.payload));


       function(evt) {

         alert('Closed by the user!');




           Bottom of the page...


Rewarded ad web API

Call Event description
SlotRenderEndedEvent Ad starts
rewardedSlotGranted Ad grants reward
rewardedSlotClosed Close button is clicked by the user

Destroy the ad slot when rewardedSlotClosed is called.

Additional requirements and restrictions

  • You cannot submit requests for multiple rewarded ads at the same time. Once the first rewarded slot is visible, the second will not show.
  • You need to close out ads rather than relying on GPT to do so.
  • Differentiate rewarded versus non-rewarded ads. Do not show a rewarded prompt for a non‑rewarded ad.
  • Ensure that the user watches the video to receive the reward.
  • At this time, refresh functionality is untested.

Forecast and report on rewarded ads for web

You can check an inventory forecast for rewarded ads for web.

To run reports on rewarded ads performance, select Platform and then Interaction type as a dimension to see a breakdown of impressions that were rewarded requests. Other requests are displayed in your report as an "Unknown" type. This dimension is available for "Historical" report types.

Add the creative technology dimension to your reports to identify the type of technology used to serve a creative, such as video.

Learn how to create a report.

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