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Line items

House line items

A line item type typically used for ads that promote products and services chosen by you. House ads:

  • Are commonly non-revenue generating.
  • Always have the lowest delivery priority of the delivery types.
  • Aren't included in forecast results.

House line items and the auction

House* line items only serve when no remnant line items (Network, Bulk, Price Priority), Ad Exchange or Open Bidding demand are available to serve. That is, House line items are treated as if they have a $0 rate and do not compete on price through dynamic allocation.

House line item CPM determines ranking of eligible House ads but doesn't need to meet any floor price set in unified pricing rules in order to be eligible to serve an ad, thereby effectively serving as a fall-back ad. Learn more about unified pricing rules.**

* Note that Price Priority, Bulk and Network line items that do not compete on price in the unified auction (such as line items with a zero rate and no Value CPM) are treated as House line items.
** For video optimized pods, House line items compete based on CPM.

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