
If you'd like to know more about the Open Bidding feature within Ad Manager, please refer to these articles in the Ad Manager Help Center. For additional information about the Open Bidding product, please use the "?" icon on the top right hand side of your Open Bidding account.

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Create and manage yield groups

Make your inventory available to exchanges and ad networks

What are yield groups?

Yield groups allow you to specify what inventory you want to sell with Ad Exchange, Open Bidding, or mediation for mobile apps.

Yield groups always include Ad Exchange (unless blocked). You can also add third-party exchanges and ad networks. Targeting is similar to line items.

Create a new yield group

Permission to edit yield groups and edit companies is required to complete these steps.

We recommend users are added to Teams and then All entities for Yield groups access. Teams restrict access to Yield groups because they restrict access to companies.

If not granted, it may be challenging to manually configure teams access to all Ad networks and Ad units configured within your network's Yield groups. Learn more about teams.

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Delivery and then Yield groups.
  3. Click New yield group.
  4. Enter a unique yield group Name that's descriptive for reporting.

Ad format and inventory sizes

  1. Select the Ad format and Inventory type you wish to target with this yield group. These selections determine which ad networks can be added to the yield group, based upon their capabilities.
    • Banner: Display ads for web or mobile apps. For example, a 320x50 leaderboard slot. This includes out-stream video.
    • Interstitial: A full-screen ad to be displayed in a mobile app inventory type.
    • In-stream video: Video ads that appear before, during, and after video content streams. This format is supported for Ad Exchange and Open Bidding.
    • Rewarded: Video ads for mobile apps that allow users to voluntarily watch an ad in exchange for an in-app reward.
    • Native: Custom display or video ads for web or mobile apps that match the user experience in which they’re placed. Can be custom-rendered by the publisher’s mobile app or Google-rendered using Native styles.
  2.  (Optional)  For "Web" inventory type, select from the list of Inventory sizes to target. Make sure you choose sizes that correspond with what your exchange or ad network supports.

Additional customization

  1.  (Optional) Select from Device category, Device manufacturer, Operating system, and Geography. These settings default to being all-inclusive.

    If you want to create a mobile-specific yield group, include Device category or Device manufacturer targeting.
  2. Add targeting to define where in your inventory this yield group can compete for impressions. To avoid increasing operational complexity, your targeting criteria should not overlap with targeting for other yield groups.
    You can only target inventory compliant with Ad Exchange policies, unless Ad Exchange is blocked from buying inventory targeted by that yield group. If you use key-values to avoid serving on non-compliant content, make sure you add that key-value to your yield group targeting.
  3.  (Optional) Add additional third-party yield partners to compete for the targeted inventory.

Save and activate

  1. Click Save to confirm your changes without activating this yield group for delivery, or click Save and activate to confirm your changes and immediately approve this yield group for delivery.

Once a yield group has been created and activated, Ad Manager is ready to begin using the yield group to fill requests.

How many yield groups should I create?

We recommend organizing your yield groups by inventory targeting, not by yield partners.

If you want multiple yield partners to fill your news section, create 1 yield group that contains multiple yield partners. This ensures you can take advantage of yield group competition.

 (Optional) Add third-party yield partners to a yield group

By default, Ad Exchange is always included as a yield partner in a new yield group. However, you can block Ad Exchange (or individual Ad Exchange buyers, including Display & Video 360 and the Google Display Network) from a yield group with protections.

You can also add third-party yield partners to compete for the inventory being targeted. Third-party yield partners can be added after you select the targeting criteria for a new yield group or by editing an existing yield group.

Add up to 10 third-party yield partners to a single yield group, including both Open Bidding yield partners and mediation for mobile apps yield partners. Multiple yield groups (and their additional yield partners) can compete for the same inventory.

  1. Click Delivery and then Yield groups.
  2. Click the name of the yield group you'd like to edit.
  3. Click Add yield partner.
  4. Select the yield partner from the Yield partner dropdown.

    If you have permission to edit companies, click Create a new yield partner to add a new yield partner in your network.

  5. Select an integration type.
    • Mobile SDK mediation: Choose this option only if the yield partner is supported by the Mobile Ads SDK.
    • Custom event: Use this option to define special label, class name, and parameter values to call custom code in your mobile app. Read the Android and iOS documentation for more details.
    • Open Bidding: Choose this option if the yield partner supports Open Bidding.
  6. Select the Platform you wish to target, either "iOS" or "Android." This selection is only available for the "Mobile SDK mediation" and "Custom event" yield group integration types.
  7. Select a Status of Inactive or Active.
  8. Enter a Default CPM value to manually set the price at which the mediation network will compete, based on your negotiated or average rate for each network.
    • If you have activated automatic data collection in the Ad Manager company settings, the "Default CPM" value is not used. Instead, the collected value that appears next to Dynamic CPM is used for mediation ranking.
    • To override the Dynamic CPM, select Override Dynamic CPM. If there is no Dynamic CPM, the Default CPM is used and the checkbox will have no effect.
  9. Under "Additional yield partner details," enter any additional required details about this yield partner. This information will allow Ad Manager communicate with the yield partner to fill ad requests.
    • Label: Enter a name for the custom event to be used in reporting. This cannot be changed later.
    • Class name: Enter the name of the custom event class that you'll implement in your app code.
    • Parameter (optional): Enter any string you'd like to pass to your custom event when it receives a request.
  10. Click Save to confirm your changes without activating this yield group for delivery. Click Save and activate to confirm your changes and immediately approve this yield group for delivery.

Remove yield partners from a yield group

  1. Click Delivery and then Yield groups.
  2. Click the name of the yield group you'd like to edit.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Select the yield partners you want to remove.
  5. Click Delete, then Save.

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