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Teams are a way to restrict user access to certain items, such as advertisers, agencies, proposals, orders, ad units, and more. They also restrict access to certain parts of the Ad Manager, like suggested ad units.
To restrict access, assign users to a team and then associate the items you want them to access to the same team. Users and items can be assigned to more than one team.
For example, you might have a sales and trafficking team who primarily work with APAC clients, and another team who primarily work with EMEA clients. You might also have teams that work with your direct-sold inventory while different teams work with with your indirect-sold inventory. In each of these cases, you can use Ad Manager teams to restrict access to specific advertisers, agencies, proposals, orders, and ad units.
Restrictions imposed by teams
With teams, you can place the following restrictions on how objects interact within your network:
Limits on access
- Creatives: Creatives can't be assigned to teams. However, each creative belongs to an advertiser, which can be assigned to teams. Users can only see and interact with creatives that belong to advertisers assigned to one of their teams.
- Placements: Placements can't be assigned to teams. However, placements contain ad units, which can be assigned to teams. A user can only see and interact with a placement if all of the placement's ad units are assigned to teams the user is on.
For example, a user is on Team Blue and Team Yellow. Placement A contains ad units assigned to Team Blue. Placement B contains ad units assigned to Team Yellow and Team Green. The user can view Placement A, but not Placement B, since Placement B includes Team Green, which the user is not assigned to.
- Users: Admins can see all users and add them to teams. Non-admin users can only see other users who are on at least one of the same teams.
For example, an order is assigned to Team Cats and Team Dogs. The trafficker is only on Team Cats, while the salesperson is only on Team Dogs. When the trafficker views the order, they don't see the salesperson, and when the salesperson views the order, they don't see the trafficker.
For Yield groups access, we recommend users are added to Teams
All entities. Teams restrict access to Yield groups because they restrict access to companies.
If your Yield group users aren't added to All entities, it might be challenging to manually configure teams access to all ad networks and ad units configured within your network's Yield groups.
- History: Users can see the histories of entities to which they're assigned. However, the names of any salespeople or traffickers are hidden if they're not on the same team as the user. For example, if a line item is assigned to Team A and Team B, a trafficker on Team A wouldn't be able to see the name of a salesperson on Team B.
Limits on assignments to teams
- Orders are under advertisers: Orders can only be assigned to teams that their parent advertisers are assigned to.
- Assignments of users and agencies to orders: Users and agencies can only be assigned to orders as traffickers, salespeople, and so forth, if they're on a team to which the order is assigned.
- Adding users to teams: If it suits your business needs, you might choose to create team admins. Team admins can assign users and objects to their own teams or others. For example, a team admin on Team 1 and Team 2 can create a new user and add the user to Team 1, Team 2, both or any other team. The team admins could also create a new team and assign users and objects to it.
- Inherited parent teams: The teams page only shows directly assigned ad units. Descendant ad units inherit the team association, but they won’t appear in the team page unless directly added. Descendant ad units can be explored in the ad unit table using filters.
Inventory restrictions
- Inventory targeting: Line items can only target ad units (or placements containing ad units) that are assigned to at least one team in common with the order. (Run-of-network line items are an exception.)
- Run-of-network line items: Only users on the "All entities" or "All inventory" team can create run-of-network line items. Other users can only create line items that target specific inventory assigned to their teams. As a best practice, you can include trusted users in the "All entities" or "All inventory" team, who can create run-of-network line items.
Unrestricted entities and functionality
Some entities and functionality in Ad Manager are not restricted by teams. These include:
Suggested ad units
Ad Manager provides suggested ad units for your network. You must have the "All entities" team associated with your user account to approve suggested ad units. Once an ad unit is approved, it may be assigned to a team.
Teams and reporting
When teams dimensions are added to a report, users on teams will see data restricted to the teams they are assigned.
Because of teams, users on the same network may get different results for the same report.
Even a single user may get different filtering applied to a report depending on the dimensions used. This is because the system applies teams filtering when a teams-restricted dimension is included in the report.
The following dimensions are filtered for teams:
- Ad unit (all levels)
- Ad unit (top level)
- Advertiser
- Creative
- Line item
- Order
- Salesperson
Teams administration
To limit access using teams, someone from your network must first set up teams and add users and entities. This person is typically an administrator on the "All entities" team, and can provide access to all entities in your network. This user role also includes a permission that allows them to see and edit all users.
You can designate team-level admins by removing admins from the "All entities" team and adding them to other teams. These team-level admins can view all users and add them to their own teams. They can also create new teams. They can only see advertisers, agencies, orders, and ad units that have been assigned to one of their teams.
Teams versus roles
Teams provide users with access to entities in your network: advertisers, agencies, ad units, and orders. Roles determine which features and functions a user can access, such as viewing or editing creatives. To view or edit an object, a user has to be both part of a team that includes the object and assigned a role that can access the object.
Depending on the user's role, a user might not have permission to view orders, ad units, or advertisers and agencies. Even if the user is on a team that includes these objects, that user can't access them because of the user role restrictions.
If you're having trouble with users who don't have the access you think they should based on the teams they're on, check their roles to ensure that they have the necessary permission to view and edit the objects they need access to.
Learn more about getting started with teams.