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Programmatic native ads using native advanced

Guidelines for programmatic native ads that use Android or iOS app code
The information on this page is for programmatic ads that use native advanced, which are native ads that use Android or iOS app code. It does not apply to traditional ads.

If your native ads don't use app code, you can see the applicable programmatic native ads guidelines for native ads created using the Guided design editor or HTML & CSS.

Native ads can be used to serve ads that complement the content and look of your app.

All Google Ad Manager programmatic ads that use Android or iOS app code must adhere to the guidelines described on this page in addition to Google Publisher policies and restrictions.

Required ad elements

Example of an app install ad with attribution textRequired elements for programmatic native ads include the ad attribution badge, the AdChoices overlay, image elements, text elements, and other elements depending on the native ads format.

Ad attribution and AdChoices are used to clearly mark your programmatic native ads as advertisements, which is required so that users don't mistake them for content. It's important to understand the difference between the two:

Ad attribution

Example of the "Ad attribution" badgeFor the "Android and iOS app code" option, you render the ad attribution in your own app code. You must clearly display the text "Ad", "Advertisement", or "Sponsored" (localized appropriately). The badge is required to be a minimum of 15px height and width. Ad attribution must be displayed at the top of the ad.


Example of the "AdChoices" iconAn AdChoices overlay is added automatically by the SDK in the corner you specify. It's important that the AdChoices overlay be easily seen, so choose background colors and images appropriately.

Size and layout

Native ads smaller than 32x32dp (Android) or 32x32pts (iOS) won't serve when using the "Android & iOS app code" option. Ads this small can be difficult to see or interact with and may adversely affect the display quality of advertiser assets.

For native video ads, the main asset MediaView must be at least 120x120dp (Android) or 120x120pts (iOS). Video ads won't serve to implementations with main asset MediaViews smaller than 120dp in any dimension.

All native ad assets must be contained inside the native ad view.

Note: MediaView is required to render the main video or image asset in an ad. You can use ImageView to render the logo and app icon assets. Learn more for Android or iOS.

Full-screen availability

Full-screen native can be implemented when using native advanced. All native advanced policies apply, including the same required ad elements.

See the specific requirements for native full screen dismiss options or the full-screen native ads developer documentation for Android or iOS.

Image and video elements

  • The required aspect ratios are listed in the field description table below.
  • Scaling an image or video element can be done by modifying the aspect ratio. However, distorting (stretching/squeezing) the image or video by changing its aspect ratio is not allowed.
  • For non-video ads, the width of the primary image element can be cropped symmetrically by up to 10%. Cropping by height is not allowed.
  • Video elements (for video ads) must maintain an aspect ratio of 4:3, 16:9, 1:1, 3:4, or 9:16, or as otherwise approved by Google. Non-in-stream video ads must be at least 256 pixels in their longer dimension. For the aspect ratios above, that translates into minimums of 256x192, 256x144, 256x256, 192x256, or 144x256, respectively.
  • The maximum file size for a video creative asset is 512 MB.
  • The maximum file size for an image creative asset is 1 million bytes.

Text elements

  • Text elements must have sufficient contrast from the background to be clearly legible. Some users with low vision have a difficult time sensing contrast. If text doesn't have a high contrast ratio, these users may not be able to read it.
  • Truncation
    • Title text (required): Ensure that there is no truncation of text up to 25 characters.
    • Body text (optional): Ensure that there is no truncation of text up to 90 characters.
  • Font size must be consistent with surrounding elements in the app, be legible, and have sufficient contrast from the background elements.

Dismiss options

  • When showing a Google full-screen native ad during a transition, the dismiss setting must be configured by the publisher. If the app's content naturally uses a swipe-to-dismiss action, this option may remain unchanged. In cases where this design is not present, the close button should be clearly visible and should not cause invalid clicks by overlapping with native ad elements, such as the ad image or text.
  • When showing a Google native ad on the content screen, configuring the dismiss setting is optional for the publisher. The design of the close button should be clearly visible and should not overlap with the native ad area to avoid causing invalid clicks.

Differentiation from content

Ads must be clearly distinguished from content. The following are prohibited:

  • Camouflaging ad elements as navigation controls in surrounding content.
  • Camouflaging the Ad attribution or AdChoices overlay.

The native ad design must clearly distinguish the ad from the app's content. Additionally, the Google full-screen native ad might overlap with content elements, but the layout should not cause any invalid clicks.

For Google standard native ads, app content must not overlap the native ad. This can lead to accidental clicks which may result in a policy violation for invalid traffic.

No clickable white space

The background of the ad must be not clickable (no clickable "white space"). If you use the image element as the background of the ad, the image must be not clickable.

Standard native ad formats

Standard native ad formats use a system-defined group of elements for native ads. Although the elements that make up standard native ad formats are pre-defined, the look of the native ad is still controlled by the publisher.

The following standard native ad formats are supported:

  • Content
  • Video content
  • App install
  • Video app install

Publishers must display all of the elements marked as required for each format and can choose whether or not to display elements marked as recommended.

See examples of each standard native ad format
Note: These are only examples. The templates for native content ads and native app install ads have multiple layout configuration options.

Native content ad

Example of a native content ad

Native video content ad

Example of a native video content ad

Native app install ad

Example of a native app install ad

Native video app install ad

Example of a native video app install ad

Requirements for app install ads

  • The native app install ad must include a call to action button that users can click to download/install the app. We will provide the text asset. You can optionally use an app download icon instead. You must also include the app icon in the ad creative.
  • The app store icon (image), price text, and star/review elements are optional for app install ads and video app install ads.

Other elements

  • The URL is optional for content ads.
  • Buttons in both app install and content ads consist of an .SVG icon and a text element. At least one of these is required to be visible. Both the .SVG icon and text element can be visible in the same ad at the same time, if desired.
Field Description Included in ad response Display requirement
Ad badge The ad badge that clearly marks the ad as advertising. Always Required
Title The primary headline text.

This text may truncate after 25 characters. 

Always Required

(for non-video ads)

The large, primary image. Always Recommended

(for video ads)

The video VAST response containing all necessary assets to play back a video ad. Always Required *
Icon The small app icon or advertiser logo with square aspect ratio (1:1). Always included for app install ads

Not always included for content ads

Required if provided
Call to action Button or text field that encourages users to take action (for example, "Visit site" or "Install").

You can display an app download icon instead of a button or text.

This text may truncate after 15 characters. 

Always Required if provided
Body The secondary body text (for example, the article or app description).

This text may truncate after 90 characters. 

Always Recommended
Star rating

(for app install ads)

The rating from 0-5 that represents the average rating of the app in a store. Not always included Recommended
Advertiser name Text that identifies the advertiser (for example, advertiser name, brand name, or visible URL).

This text may truncate after 25 characters. 

Always Included for content ads Recommended

* Display requirement is for video ads only.

 "May truncate after" means that publishers cannot truncate the text limit to be less than the stated value. The "May truncate after" limits described in the table are half the size in Asian languages. For example, the title limit is 90 for English and 45 for Chinese.

Learn more about text truncation options

Using an example of a "May truncate after" value of 25 for headlines indicates that the publisher can't set a limit of less than 25 characters for headlines, but they can set a higher limit if desired.

If you truncate the text to the stated value in this column (such as 25 for headlines), you can add '...' or another text treatment to indicate when a value has been truncated.

Download assets

You can download the following to use in your native ad designs:

Meta variables in standard native ad formats

Standard native ad formats also have the following meta variables, which work in the background to direct users to the correct destination, and also to track clicks and impressions.

Meta variable Description
Click-through URL The destination URL when a user clicks on an ad if the deep link click action URL is not supported by the user's device or is not present.

This variable is required and is defined in your creative settings.

Deep link click action URL The destination URL when a user clicks on an ad if the URL is supported by an application on the user's device. For example, a user clicks an ad and lands in another app (the deep link click action URL).

This variable is optional and can be defined in your ad format settings.

Third-party impression tracker URL that allows advertisers to track an impression if the ad is displayed. The URL can call an image or HTML code.

This variable is optional and can be defined in your ad format settings.

Third-party click tracker URL that allows advertisers to track an ad click. This URL can call an image or HTML code.

This variable is optional and can be defined in your ad format settings.

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