View Historical reports in different currencies (Beta)
To better understand how your ad inventory performs across all countries in which you operate, you can view your reporting performance data in the currency of your choice. This strategic information helps you recognize your performance as a whole.
You can select a report currency when you create a Historical report.
If you view reporting data in different currencies, the currency in which you are paid is not affected. In other words, a report viewed in another currency does not change the currency associated with your Ad Manager account.
Select a currency for your report
- Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
- Create a report.
Note: Under “Report type,” be sure to select Historical. - Under “Report currency,” click
and select a currency from the list.
All supported currencies are listed. Your account’s currency is selected by default. - Finish creating your report
click Run.
About exchange rates
Important: Monetary values reported when you change between currencies may be somewhat inaccurate due to natural currency fluctuations between exchange rates.
When you report on a single day, the different currencies use the final exchange rate from the day before the event, not the report.
- Example: On May 5, you run a report for May 2. The conversion rate from May 1 is used.
In reports that cover more than one day, the currency conversion is applied to each day and then aggregated, unless the “Date” dimension is added.
- Example: On June 10, you run a report in Euros for a date range from June 2 to June 3. If the Euro closed at $1.17 USD on June 1, and $1.18 USD on June 2, the report uses the $1.17 Euro-to-USD exchange rate for June 2 revenue metrics, and $1.18 for June 3. If “Date” is not in the dimension list, the converted metrics are aggregated.
Exception: The “Bid range" dimension in Historical use the rate of the second from the last date of a range.
- Example: If the date range is July 1 to July 5, all ranges are converted to the rate on July 4.
How currency selection impacts reports
All available dimensions are supported and compatible with currency. The following metrics are directly impacted and reflect any change in currency selection.
Dimension: Bid range
- Total metrics family
- Total CPM and CPC revenue
- Total CPM, CPC, CPD, and vCPM revenue
- Ad server metrics family
- Ad server average eCPM
- Ad server CPM and CPC revenue
- Ad server CPM and CPC revenue (gross)
- Ad server CPD revenue
- Ad server CPM, CPC, CPD, and vCPM revenue
- Ad server CPM, CPC, CPD, and vCPM revenue (gross)
- User list cost
- Ad Server Active View Revenue
- AdSense metrics family
- AdSense revenue
- AdSense average eCPM
- AdSense Active View Revenue
- Ad Exchange metrics family
- Ad Exchange revenue
- Ad Exchange average eCPM
- Ad Exchange Active View Revenue
- Yield group metrics family
- Yield group estimated revenue
- Yield group estimated CPM
- Mediation third-party eCPM
- Conversions metrics family
- Advertiser view-through sales
- Advertiser click-through sales
- Total advertiser sales
- CPA revenue
- Bid metrics family
- Average bid CPM
- Offerwall messages metrics family
- Estimated revenue from all sources