درحال‌حاضر صفحه درخواستی به زبان شما دردسترس نیست. می‌توانید زبان دیگری را در انتهای صفحه انتخاب کنید یا بااستفاده از ویژگی ترجمه داخلی Google Chrome هر صفحه وبی را فوراً به زبان انتخابی‌تان ترجمه کنید.

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Counting impressions and clicks

Digital advertising can provide detailed metrics on how advertising campaigns are performing. The most fundamental metrics are impressions (the number of times an ad has been served) and clicks. Here are some insights into how Ad Manager counts those metrics.

On this page

You can also learn more about third-party impression tracking URL counting for display and native ads, or about video tracking events with third-party URLs.

Use the Delivery Inspector to investigate why a line item isn't recording impressions, and creative preview to validate whether a creative will count clicks.

Counting impressions

Ad Manager counts an impression each time a creative is downloaded in the user's device and has begun to load. Note that the impression is counted before the creative is fully downloaded and viewed by the end user.

Google Ad Manager counts mobile app impressions in alignment with industry standards. A mobile app impression is counted when one or more pixels of the ad creative is visible on a device's screen. Currently, Ad Exchange creatives, some Ad Manager creative formats, and Open Bidding use this methodology.

Learn more about how Google Ad Manager counts mobile app impressions

Delayed impressions

All creative types use delayed impressions. This means that Ad Manager doesn't count an impression until the creative sends an impression request to Ad Manager. Because of this secondary request, the "Total code served count" metric total can be greater than the "Total impressions" value for these creative types.

Ad Manager must receive a follow-up impression request from the creative from the time the creative code is delivered to the end user. The following timeframes apply.
  • App Open requests: 4 hours
  • Server-side requests: 4-6 hours
  • Podded in-stream video inventory: 4-6 hours
  • All other inventory: 1 hour

Manual impression counting for banner ads in mobile apps

By default, Ad Manager counts a mobile app impression when one or more pixels of the ad creative is visible on a device's screen, but there is also the option to control impression counting for banners by using the manual impression counting feature of the Google Mobile Ads SDK, which utilizes delayed impression counting.

Interstitial impressions in mobile apps

Ad Manager counts an impression when the interstitial is shown to the user, not when a creative is served from Ad Manager. If an interstitial request is made and Ad Manager sends the creative to the app, but the app never shows the interstitial, an impression isn't counted.

Audio impressions

Ad Manager counts an impression for any audio ad once the IMA SDK integrated audio player has begun playback of the ad.

Counting clicks

When a user clicks on an ad creative, a click request is sent to the Ad Manager ad server. Ad Manager counts a click as soon as it receives the click request and then sends the user the defined click-through URL. Note that Ad Manager counts the click when it's received, not when the user is redirected to the click-through URL.

Filtering invalid impressions and clicks

Ad Manager discards impressions and clicks that are considered invalid. Learn more about Ad Manager invalid traffic detection and filtration methodology

Video versus display impression and click tracking

The IAB categorizes video and display ads differently based on page/ad loads, impression counting, and tracking.

Display ads

  1. Page loads
  2. Ad loads and Impression is recorded
  3. Click tracking is recorded (if applicable)

Video ads

  1. Page loads (with video player)
  2. Ad loads
  3. Video plays and Impression is recorded
  4. Click & interaction tracking is recorded (if applicable)

Here are the details:

  • Page loads: Both pages load similarly. However, the video tag is located within the player, while the display tag is directly on the page.
  • Ad loads: Both ads load similarly from the corresponding ad tag. However, video ads require the player to begin playing the ad before the impression can be counted.
  • Impression counted: Display ad impressions are counted immediately on ad load, while video ad tags are counted after the player begins playing the ad.
  • Additional tracking counted: Display ads can record an additional click metric, while video ads can record many additional interaction metrics, including the number of times the video reached its first quartile, midpoint, third quartile, or completion.
Learn about what qualifies as a viewable impression for video versus display.

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