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Check your site status

Only available in Google Ad Manager 360.

Check your site status

You can check the status of your sites by viewing the sites list in your Ad Manage account.

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Inventory and then Sites.
  3. In the list of sites, find your site and check its status.
    Use the filter at the top of the page to quickly find sites in your sites list. You can either use the preset terms or enter your own search term.

Understand your site status

Status What it means
Requires review

Your site hasn't been checked yet. Click Request review to start the review process.

Needs attention

You need to fix some issues before your site is ready to show ads.
Getting ready We're running some checks on your site. This usually takes a few days, but in some cases can take up to 2 weeks.

Make sure you don't remove your site and resubmit it because this can delay the process. We’ll notify you when your site is ready to show ads.

Your site is ready to show ads. Learn how to create new ad units.

Make sure you follow the Google Ad Manager Partner Guidelines at all times to continue showing ads. You'll find detailed information about policy violations in the Policy center.

Learn how to resolve policy violations in your Policy center

Fix site issues

 The ads.txt file isn't found

Ads.txt files identify who is authorized to sell your inventory. Follow instructions to create an ads.txt/app-ads.txt file.

If using ads.txt, your Ad Exchange inventory must have at least 100 impressions in the the last 7 days in order for corresponding domain to appear in your ads.txt file.

Gray code icon.Your Google Publisher Tag is missing or invalid

Google Publisher Tag (GPT) is used to define available ad slots in your network.

developer documentationReview common implementation mistakes in the developer documentation.

 Gray policy icon. We've found a violation with the Partner Guidelines

Review the Ad Manager Partner Guidelines to make sure you are following each guideline. If you’re able to fix the issues on your site or application then you may add the site again.

After you've adjusted your content, sign in to Ad Manager and confirm that you've resolved the issues.

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