Change a reseller's access to your Admin console

If you have one or more Google Workspace, Cloud Identity, or other paid subscriptions that are managed by a reseller, the reseller can access your Google Admin console and submit support cases and provide other services for you, unless you remove access.

Google recommends that you allow resellers to access your subscriptions so they can troubleshoot issues for you.

What resellers can access

Resellers who have access to your subscriptions can access these Admin console services.

If you work with multiple resellers

If you buy services from more than one reseller, they all get access to the Admin console unless you turn off access. Providing access to more than one reseller can have financial implications for your organization. A reseller can assign user licenses only for services that they sold to you.

Change reseller access

You must be signed in as a super administrator for this task.

If you turn off reseller access to your Admin console, you remove access to all Admin console services for all resellers. Changes can take up to 24 hours but typically happen more quickly. Learn more

  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console.

    Sign in using an account with super administrator privileges (does not end in

  2. In the Admin console, go to Menu and then Accountand thenReseller management.
  3. For Access, turn Reseller access on or off.

Change access for support-only resellers

You need the Support Manager role in Google Cloud Support Portal to complete these steps.

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Add reseller access in the Google Cloud Support Portal

If you have a reseller who provides support, you can give them access to your account. Or, if your reseller has access to your Admin console, they already have support access.

  1. Using your managed Google Account, sign in to the Google Cloud Support Portal.
  2. On the side, click Support Partners.
  3. For the Google service you want, click Assign Support Partner. The reseller must verify the support relationship with your account.
  4. Choose an option:
    • Enter the verifier's email addressand thenclick Look Up. The Support Partner field is automatically filled in.
    • For Support Partner, search for the resellerand thenverify their addressand thenenter the verifier’s email address.
  5. Click Assign.

While assigned as your Support Partner, the reseller can file cases on your behalf in the Google Cloud Support Portal and access any cases you filed.

Remove reseller access in Google Cloud Support Portal
  1. Using your managed Google Account, sign in to the Google Cloud Support Portal.
  2. For the Google service you want, click Remove partner.
Starting October 26, 2022: Manage support-only resellers in the Google Cloud Support Portal

Manage your support-only resellers in the Google Cloud Support Portal

Starting on October 26, 2022, your support-only resellers relationships and cases will automatically move from the Google Cloud Support Center to the Google Cloud Support Portal.

You don't need to take any action. If your users with Support privilege sign in to the Google Cloud Support Center, they are redirected to Google Cloud Support Portal.

There are no interruptions to your support cases in progress or support relationships.

After the switch to Google Cloud Support Portal

  • You manage support cases in the Google Cloud Support Portal.
  • The list of your support partner relationships might be longer (not longer grouped together by partner).
  • When you request a new support partner relationship in the Google Cloud Support Portal, the reseller doesn't need to approve the relationship request to start work.
  • Your support-only resellers have access to these Admin console services.
  • Your Support Manager role in Google Cloud Support will be automatically removed.

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