Android 12 and Google endpoint management

March 19, 2022

With the release of Android 12, some features in Google endpoint management work differently for devices with that operating system. Personal devices with Android 12 and a work profile will no longer report device identification numbers, including serial number and IMEI number. Instead an enrollment-specific ID will be reported.

This change will have the following impacts in Google endpoint management:

  • Device ID reporting: Devices with Android 12, a work profile, and under advanced mobile management will report the enrollment-specific ID in place of the serial number and IMEI. In the Admin console, the enrollment-specific ID will be reported on the device details page and the Devices audit log.
  • Company-owned devices: If a device with Android 12 has a work profile and is added to the company-owned inventory, it's still reported as user owned. Context-Aware access rules and device management rules won't recognize these devices as company-owned. Note: This device state should be rare. Currently, if an Android device with a work profile is added to the company-owned inventory, the device is blocked from syncing work data. To unblock a device in this state, either remove it from the company-owned inventory or factory reset the device to erase the work profile setup.

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